♡CHAPTER 16 {Destiny}♡

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Chapter 16:


Haidar's POV

Two days had passed since Haidar made up his mind to talk to Noor about marriage.

Haidar stood at the entrance of the warm, bustling kitchen, the aroma of spices and cooking filling the air around him. Noor was focused on chopping vegetables, her movements deft and practiced.

Haidar watched her for a moment, appreciating her dedication to her tasks. Taking a deep breath, Haidar approached her, his footsteps barely making a sound on the tiled floor.

Her shoulders tensed as she sensed his presence, and she tried to maintain a composed facade despite her racing heart.

"Noor," Haidar said softly, "can we talk?"

Noor's hands trembled slightly as she turned to face him. "Sure," she replied, trying to sound casual while inwardly bracing herself for what was to come.

Taking a deep breath, Haidar gathered his thoughts. "Noor, I want to talk to you about something important," he began.

"What is it?" she asked again, a hint of concern in her voice.

"I think it's better if we talk in private," Haidar suggested, motioning towards his room. Noor hesitated but nodded, following him upstairs with a mix of curiosity and unease. As they entered his room and Haidar closed the door behind them, the atmosphere grew charged with tension.

Haidar took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking. "Noor, I've been thinking a lot about us," he began, his tone serious yet gentle.

Noor's eyes widened as she realized where this conversation was headed.

"Noor, I want to marry you," he stated directly, watching her reaction closely. Noor's eyes widened in shock, and she took a step back.

"What?" she exclaimed, disbelief coloring her tone. she exclaimed, disbelief coloring her tone.

"Noor, please listen to me..." he pleaded, stepping closer to her.

"Stop right there, and you listen to me I'm not going to marry you." Noor insisted, her voice growing firmer.

Haidar felt a pang of disappointment, but he didn't give up. "Noor, please reconsider."

"I won't marry you. I'm not ready, and I don't want this." Noor replied, her tone resolute.

"Why not?" Haidar pressed, his brows furrowing slightly.

"This... this is not right. I'm not ready for this marriage," Noor explained, her voice trembling slightly.

"But Noor, everything that's happened, all the troubles you've faced, it's because of me. I want to make things right. Marrying you is the right thing to do," Haidar reasoned, trying to convince her.

"No no I can't do this." She whispered.

This refusal stirred something in Haidar. He could feel frustration building up inside him. "Noor, why are you being so stubborn? This could be good for both of us," he argued, his patience wearing thin.

Noor's eyes flashed with anger. "Stubborn? I'm not being stubborn. You were the one talking nonsense just stop it now." she retorted, her voice rising.

The tension in the room escalated as Noor's refusal fueled Haidar's frustration. Haidar's temper flared.

"Fine, if you won't agree willingly, then....." he stopped in the middle.

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