10. Killian

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The muscles in my hand relax when I feel Devi's hair brush past my fingers as I softly ruffle her hair. 'I'm gonna try and get settled. Thanks principessa.' I exclaim calmly before the girl smiles and enthusiastically walks away. I sit down on the bed that looks the least used. The one without a nightstand or anything else to make it look lived in. I glance over to the bed in front of me in the hope of finding some things that might help me figure out what the guy I'm going to be calling a dorm-mate is like.

There are movie posters in the wall and two knives on his nightstand. A pocket knife and a dagger. The uneasy feeling the knifes give me is slightly balanced out when I notice the book and handwritten note laying on his bed.

I can pretend to be this amazing guy who always respects people and their privacy, but I'm not. I get up and grab the piece of paper laying on the bed before sitting back down and unfolding it. What it it's something important? Or disturbing? Or some insane secret? Shit, I shouldn't be doing this.
My heartbeat quickens as my eyes graze over the piece of paper in my hands.
My mouth drops open and for a second it feels like I've stopped breathing. I'm shocked, repulsed, disgusted, disturbed, all of it. In my hands is the ugliest drawing -of the Man I had talked to earlier- I had seen in a while. I mean, I've seen Devi draw people when she was like six years old. But this? This is horrendous. I feel like this guy is gonna be a lot less scary than I thought.

I quickly put the piece of paper back on the bed before Killian or anyone else walks in.

I throw my head back with a groan as I sit back down on the bed. As my eyes travel from the bed I'm currently on towards the door placed right from me, I notice a small unused drawer, which I assume is my nightstand. So I quickly get to my feet and start walking so I can drag the drawer closer to my bed. If this is not meant for me this is so embarrassing. Once the drawer is situated next to my bed, and against the wall I sit down again and start thinking about what to do next.

After about five minutes of sitting in silence and thinking about what will happen now that I know about this place, I decide to be the slightest bit productive and unpack my stuff. So, I grabbed the lighter and pack of cigarettes out of my pocket and shoved it into one of the three drawers. Done. I feel like a whole new person.

After about another ten minutes I start to hear muffled laughter from outside the door before a male voice loudly states 'oh you don't like me? Well guess what, your sister does. She showed me just how much last night' followed by the sound of a slap and an unserious yet annoyed 'Ian bro i'm gonna kill you during training tomorrow. Make the rest think it's an accident', before hearing the guy walk off the seeing the door start to glow. I let out a chuckle before realising, shit, the door is opening.

As I look up I see a tall guy with dirty blonde hair, green eyes and an athletic body, more buff than mine due to the difference in food access. 'Yo, you must be the new boy' he says with a wide grin. Him calling me 'boy' kind of annoys me, considering the fact that he seems to be the same age as me, but I decide to ignore it, since I don't want to get away from the roof above my head after only having it for about an hour. So I stop thinking about what he said and just grin before responding 'oh yeah, I am. You're Killian right?' in a tone way more distant than I intended for it to be. But he doesn't seem to mind as he just casually responds with 'mhm. You're Matteo right. The boy with the dream thing' he tells me, lifting his hands in the air as he says the last part. I'm surprised he knows about my ability, considering the fact that I myself don't even know too much about it, but I just agree with him and continue our small conversation.

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