12. Tour

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The door starts slightly glowing once again before it slowly opens, allowing the cold air from the halls to reach my body. Killian gives me a look suggesting I follow him before he starts walking at a calm pace. 'So, the building is actually a lot bigger than it seems, since most of it is underground' Killian starts to explain 'but all the boring and basic things are up here so let's just start with that. Unless you have enough of a life to be in a hurry or something. In that case I can just show you the underground floor and call it a day'. As curious as I am to find out what the underground floor looks like, I still want to figure out as much about this place as possible, so I decide to have Killian show me everything. 'You can just show me everything, I have enough time' 'Alright dude, whatever you want'.

'you probably already figured it out, but in case you didn't, all these doors without locks are dorm rooms, since you don't need a key in order to get in. Two people always share a dorm room, unless there's a very special reason for it not happening' 'did you share a dorm with someone?' 'Yeah, with James. but since they wanted someone to help you out - since you're new and all - i decided to volunteer'.

Someone chose to be around me. He didn't know what he was getting into but still. someone cares.

'hope you don't end up regretting it' I chuckle 'anyway, continue with the tour-guide thing'. once we finish walking past about twenty seven dorm rooms we finally arrive at the rooms I don't recognise yet. 'The door with the bird carved into it, that's kind of our cafeteria, but it's more like a big cafe. The doo- actually, let's go inside the cafeteria first, since me yapping the whole time is gonna get boring and I'm prepared to be a lot of things, but boring isn't one of them'.

As he opens the cafeteria door, sunlight hits my face. The room has a big wall of windows, which I'm sure I didn't see when I was outside, and a light wooden floor. Three quarters of the room is filled with tables varying in size, some made for entire friend groups to sit at, and some only made for two or three people. The other quarter is where the drinks get made. Coffee, tea, soda's, even small foods. Multiple drinks are being made yet I don't see anyone preparing them. Killian must have noticed my confused state because before I can ask him my question I hear his voice. 'Look at the chair in the corner'. As I turn my head I can see a woman who seems to be in her thirties sitting in the chair, moving her hands like an idiot. Until I notice, she's not moving her hands, or well she is, but it's because she's making the drinks. She's selected as well.

I continue to look around, taking in every detail. The wooden floor so light it's almost white. The small number of students sitting at the tables either reading or laughing with friends. The plants hanging from the wall, feeding from the sunlight. The young man and woman bringing drinks to the students and having small talk with them. It's cozy. As if for the first time in forever I'm going to be able to call a place home again.

'It's great. So what are the other rooms?' I ask Killian as he walks me out of the cafeteria. 'the next room i'm going to show you is behind the door with the seashell engraved on it', he says before slightly jogging towards the door now in front of us. As he opens it I expect something ethereal and calming and cozy, just like the previous room. but instead i'm met with a room that looks like a broom closet out of a children's fairytale. There's swords, shields, arrows yet no bows, daggers, rope, and bracelets and rings I can't figure out the use of. yet it looks nice. The silver weapons reflect light which brightens the color of the wooden floor and the slight amount of grass growing from it. 'this is where we keep some of our shared weapons. When I first got here I thought this was so awesome. Then I discovered the water room downstairs' Killian explains.

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