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(Octavia pov)

It has been three days since Jasper and Finn blew up the bridge. I was talking to Monty as we were working on the South foxhole when I heard someone talking about Murphy holding onto Jasper to get to Bellamy. "Sorry to interrupt Monty, but I got to go," I said quickly before I ran to my brother.

"I just heard Murphy has Jasper," I let out as I was breathing heavily from the running. "Yeah, South foxhole done?" He asked calmly. "What, Bellamy, my friends in there with a killer," I yelled out. My brother leans forward. "O, look around no one's working if the grounders attack us right now we're all dead," he said as he was trying to make a point. I look at him with a disapproval look. "bellamy, that doesn't matter right now, Jasper and Finn blew the bridge up. We have time, so right now, we just need to get Jasper, " I said before I walked around him.

"MURPHY!! MURPHY IF YOU EVEN TOUCH JASPER I SWEAR TO GOD YOU'RE DEAD, " I yelled out angrily. "Octavia," I heard my say my name, but I ignored him. "Octavia, I got this," my brother said as he grabbed my arm. I turned towards him. "Really? Because it doesn't look like you're doing anything about it, " I said angrily as I pulled my arm from his grip.

"Bellamy, you were right," I heard Raven say as she walked over to us. She stopped in front of us. "There's a loose panel on the back. If I can pop it, we can get in through the floor, " she explained quietly. Bellamy nods his head. "Good. Do it, " he ordered, and Raven then quickly walked away.

He towards me again with a sad look. "Sorry," I let out before walking away. I listened to Bellamy and Murphy conversation and they agreed the Bellamy would take Jasper spot. I tried to stop him, but he just told me that he could handle it and to get people back to work.

Bellamy and Jasper switch places. I untied Jasper and helped him up from the ground. I told him to go help Raven. I heard a gunshot, and I started panicking, hoping my brother was still alive. "Bellamy, Bellamy, are you ok,  Bellamy?" I say quietly. I started panicking more when I heard from him yet.

I sighed in relief when I heard him. He told us that he was fine and to get back to work. I wish he would stop saying that. It's pretty clear that everyone is worried, so they won't work.

We heard more shots come from the drop ship. I'm really hoping my brother is ok. We then heard the door open. I saw Jasper tun up to us. "Ravem, you did it," he yelled. A group of us ran in getting ready for anything. I noticed Bellamy hanging, I quickly went up to him and cut him down. "You ok bell just breath," I tell him as he was gasping for air.

His breathing finally started to become normal again. I helped him up, and he started to chase after Murphy, but her git away by blowing up a part of the ship opened. I was going to go back to my tent but them I heard that Clarke and Finn were back. I ran up to them and hugged Clarke. She hugs me back. "I'm glad you're safe," I say happily. She nods her head before she walks over to my brother.

Clarke and my brother were having a disagreement about if we should leave or not, but Clarke convinced everyone to pack up so we could leave.

Let's just say that didn't end well for us.

We all ran back to camp and got ready to fight. I helped Clarke with Raven, and we were able to get the bullet out. Clarke bandage Raven wounds. "Ok, now just get some rest. we'll wake you up when we need you, " Clarke demanded.  "What. No, I'm gonna help you guys. " Raven let out. Clarke was about to say something, but I cut her off. "Hey, just let her, we're gonna need all the help we can get," I said. Clarke sighed before nodding her head. "Fine. Raven, you said there's enough fuel in those rockets, right?" She asked. Raven nods her head. "Do you think you can wire them up to use them against the grounders?" Clarke asked. I didn't really get what she met until Raven said something. "A ring of fire," she let out as she stared at the ground.

She looks back up to Clarke, "The wiring's a mess down there, but yeah, you give me enough time. I'll cook them real good, " she said with a smirk. Clarke nods. "Ok then, get to work. Just be careful with your wound," Clarke said. Clarke looks toward me before walking out. I smile at Ravem. "You got this?" I said before I left the dropship as well.

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