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(Y/N pov)

The chancellor's son came up to us and told us that the communication wire was fried from the landing. "Ah, cool, a map. Do they have a bar in this town because I could buy you a drink?" A boy with goggles on his head said with a smile as he looked at Clarke. "Back off," the chancellor's son said as he grabbed the boys arm. "Whoa, whoa hey, he's with us," another boy said as he came up with his friends behind him.

"Relax, we're just trying to figure out where we are," the chancellor's son said. "we're on the ground. Is that not good enough for you?" bellamy yelled. "We need to go find mount weather like my dad said," the chancellor's son say as he walks up to them. I walk up to him and stand by his side. I mean, I have this feeling something bad is going to happen.

"Screw your father, what do you think that you're in charge down here...you and your little princesses?" Octavia said as she looked at him and Clarke. She then looked straight at me. I look straight back at her. "I'm not his princess, but you know, you could always be mine if you want. I mean, I won't complain,"I said with a smirk. She gave me a death glare, "ya, in you dreams," she said. "Look, we need to go before it gets dark," the chancellor's son said.

The other boy pushed him to the ground "hey look guys we have a chancellor on Earth," he said. Everyone starts laughing. The chancellor's son gets up and pushes the other boy back.

The boy pushed the chancellor's son again, but this time, he twisted his ankles."Wells," Clarke said as she tried to get to him, but the other boy friends stopped her, and so I did something that I would probably regret later. I stood in front of Wells. "Get out of the way, girl," the boy hissed. "Make me," I hissed back.

He swung his arm at me, but I dodged it and then punched him in the face. He stumbled back a bet. He reached up and touched his nose. He looked down at his fingers, and there was blood on them. He then looked back up at me with anger. "Your dead bitch" he swung his arms at me but I dodge it once again until the last one. He hit me in the stomach. I held on to my stomach, and I then got hit again in the face.

I stumbled back a little, I shook my head and got myself ready to go again. "Come on, show him who boss, if you can take care of 10 guards like last time you can take care of him," I thought to myself. When he tried to hit me in the face again, I caught his fist. I pushed him back and got ready for one last hit. He ran up to me and tried to hit me, but I dodged it. Before he knew it, he was on the ground unconscious. I look up to see that everyone looked shocked. "Anyone else?" I asked,

Finn came out of nowhere. "What did I miss?" he asked. Clarke ran up to Wells, I did too and helped her pick him up. The other boy that I beat up got up again and took out a knife. "Hey bitch, like I said your dead" he said. He started charging at me, but Finn got in the way "the girl doesn't have a knife, why don't you just wait until it's a fair fight" he said.

Octavia walks up to him "hey spacewalker why don't you rescue me next" she say with a smile on her face. he smiled back at her. I just shook my head at them, I walked up to Clarke, who's checking Wells to see if he is going to be fine. "Soo Mount weather, when do we leave?" I asked. She stands up. "Now," she said. Wells looked up at her. "How are you going to carry all that food with two people?" Wells asked. I turned around and grabbed two boys from earlier and Finn. "There we have enough people with us," I said.

"Make that 6 people," Octavia said as she walked up to us. "Ok, let go," I said as I started walking, not even looking if they were following me. I was ahead of them, and all I could think about is what's going to happen if we got there and there's nothing there.

As I was walking, I saw something that amazed me. I kneel down to get the best view of it. "Y/N, why did you stop?" clarke asked. I pointed at the animal, and she was shocked to see it. The rest came along to look at it, too. "No animal, huh," finn said towards Clarke before slowly moving up. He broke a stick from underneath his feet, and the animal looked towards us. We all jumped when we saw that it had two heads.

As we kept walking, we started talking about the ark. Clarke told us about the air problem on the ark and how people are going to die if they think that the Earth is not survivable. I kept walking as Clarke, finn, Monte, and Jasper stopped to talk. Octavia was getting undressed, and let me tell ya it was one of the best things to see on this earth. "Wow," I heard jasper say, I looked over at him to see that he was staring at Octavia.

She then jumped into the water "Octavia we can't swim," Monte said. "No, but we can stand," Octavia said as she stood up. Everyone let out a chuckle, as everyone but me trying to get undressed I just sat down on a nearby rock. Jasper yelled something out, causing all of us to start freaking out.

"Octavia, get out of water," jasper yelled out. she turns around before she can react. She was pulled under the water. "Come help me," Clarke said. we push a rock into the water. The thing swam towards the rock.

I wasn't really thinking at the time, but I jumped in to help Octavia. I pulled Octavia to the side, and I helped her up on the rock. But before I could get up, the thing took me with it.

I use all my strength to kick the thing off of my leg. A rush of pain went through my body as it bit down on my leg. But I tried to ignore it, and I kicked it off of me. I rushed to the side. I got up before it could get to me again, I lay on the rock in pain. I looked over at Octavia to see if she was ok. She looks over back at me. "Thanks for saving me," Octavia said as she hugged me. "No problem," I say with a small smile. Clarke helped me up, and I helped Octavia up.

(Couple hours later)

It was dark out, and I was in a lot of pain at this point. "Hey, do you think we could stop for the night because I'm in a lot of pain, and I could tell that Octavia is too?" I asked. "Ya, I guess we could," Clarke said. I sat down under a tree, everyone drifted off to sleep, and soon I did too.

I woke up by someone shaking me. "Come on, Clarke said we need to get moving," Octavia said. She helped me up, and we started to walk again. "How are you feeling?" I asked her. "As of right now, I'm ok," she said as we kept walking. "That's good," I say with a smile. "Ya.. so what about you? How are you feeling? " she asked me. "Umm ya, I'm ok, I guess," I say softly.

We got to a hill where we saw that we couldn't cross without something. Finn found a stretchy tree thing, "we can use this to get to the other side," Finn said. He was about to go, but jasper stopped him. So, I guess Jasper was going to cross first. "See you on the other side,"he said to Octavia. He swung to the other side. We all were cheering for him. Then, out of nowhere, jasper got hit by a spear, and without thinking again, I rushed to the rope that was on the tree, and I swung to the other side, ignoring everybody yelling my name. When I got there, I got hit in the side with a spear.

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