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(Octavia pov)

*night time*

"Clarke is back." Monty yelled, I rushed out and went up to clarke. "It about time. Murphy was going to kill them, and Y/N stopped breathing twice last night, but she fine now," I told her as we rushed in there.

After a few couple of minutes, Clarke got done making the medicine. We rubbed it on their cuts, and she covered them up. Now, all we have to do is wait. As we waited, we sat down in the corner. Finn took out a bottle. "What's that?" I asked. "Whiskey, I think." he took a sip of it and then handed it to me.

I took a sip, "Oh, wow, that tast awful. I like it. " I then handed it to monty. "C-Can I get a hit of that," Jasper asked with a soft voice. We all got up and went over to him. "it nice to have you back," we all said.

"It's nice to be back," he said with a smile. He looked up at me and smiled. "Oh hey there," I let out a giggled, "Hey" I said. "Did I really get hit by a spear?" he asked us. Before one of us can answer Clarke, beat us to it. "Yup, and you have the scars to prove it," she said as she was walking towards us. He looked over to her and smiled. "My savior," Clarke giggled.

"Wheres Y/N," he asked. I looked over to her, and she was still passed out. She looks really pale, "she over there," I point towards her. "Oh, is she going to be ok?" he asked. "We don't know,"Clarke said quietly. "Did you know that she risk her life to save you? She got spear twice for you," I said. He looked shocked. "Really?"he sounds confused.

Y/N started to shake again, but this time, there was stuff coming out of her month. Clarke rushed over to her and quickly turned her to her side. She took off the bandages "guys it looks affected. I'm going to have to do a surgery," she said, looking scared.
"Have you done that before?" I asked. "Nope, but I think I can do it, I mean, I watch my mom do it all the time,"Clarke said.

She took out a knife and stuck it in the fire. "I need some room, so you guys have to go, but Octavia, can you stay just in case I need help?" she said. Everyone else starts to leave. After the knife is hot enough, she starts working. Y/N started screaming out in pain, "I hate this, I dont like seeing her in pain," I thought to myself.

Clarke and I were finally done with the surgery. She coves Y/N up again. So that it doesn't get affected again. "Ok, now we just have to keep an eye on her to make sure nothing goes wrong," she explains as she puts everything away.

*1 week later*

(Jasper Pov)

As I was lying down, I was just thinking about what happened a week ago. Y/N still hasn't woken up, and all I could think about is that it's my fault that she is not waking up... that she could die in any second.

Octavia would sit there and talk to her every day. She would tell Y/N how much we missed her and how everyone's doing. Clarke has been trying to figure out why she hasn't woken up yet. Bellamy is being bellamy, yelling at people, and telling them what to do. Octavia suddenly walks in. "Hey jasper, do you want to take a walk with me?" she asked me.

"S-sure, when" I asked her,"how about right now?" she said. "Ok, I'm going to get ready then, I'll meet you out there," I said. she nodded her head and walked out. I got up and got ready, I walked out and saw that Octavia was talking to someone. I walked up to them. "You ready?" I asked Octavia. "Yup," we started to walk out of the drop ship. She grabbed my hand. "This way," she said with a smile.

We walked to a spot where the wall wasn't fixed yet. She jogs out, "Come on, jasper, you haven't been out here for a week,"she said as she stepped back. Before I could say something back to her, she suddenly disappeared. "Octavia,"I yelled, looking around, I slowly walked towards where she was. "Octavia," I yelled again, but no answers. I slowly made my way closer to the spot where she disappeared, and out of nowhere, one of the bellamy guys popped out, scarying the shit out of me.

I jumped in fear, and the guy started laughing at me. Octavia hits him. "Get out of here, you jerk,"she yelled at him. She comes running up to me "Jasper are you ok?" she asked me. "Y-y-ya i-i-I'm j-just g-going t-to g-go back t-to the drop ship," I studdard out as I turn quickly. I tripped on my own foot, and I felt landing on my arms. I looked up, and I saw fingers on the ground, and a knife lay a couple inch away from it. Octavia saw what I was looking at, and she went to go grab the knife. "Come on, we need to go tell Clarke and my brother about this," she said, holding the knife up.

She held out her hand to help me up. We walked to a tent where Bellamy was. we walked in and saw that bellamy and his guys talking about something. "Bellamy, we need to talk to you and Clarke," Octavia said, interrupting them. "O, I'm kinda in the middle of something," Bellamy said. "And like I said before, I need to talk to you and Clarke," Octavia demanded. "Go get Clarke," he told one of his guys. One of them left the tent, "and the rest of you out now," Bellamy demanded.

We waited for a couple of minutes before Clarke walked into the tent. "What going on, I was in the middle of helping Y/N," Clarke hissed out. "Woah there, calm down, princesse," Bellamy said. Clarke glared at Bellamy before Octavia interrupt they're little starring contest. "Hey!, we found this outside of the wall by umm..." Octavia, stop in med sentences. "What, why were you guys behind the walls?" bellamy asked.
"It doesn't matter,"Octavia hissed, I moved uncomfortably.

"Anyways, ummm, Clarke Wells... Wells is dead, " she let out. She looked like a bus just hit her. But then the saddest turned into anger. "I going deal with this," she hissed. Bellamy got in her way. "Move bellamy," she yelled out. "No, what are you going to do?" ask the killer to step forward and confest that they killed him, " he asked her. "I know who did it," she said, "Who?" my brother asked her.

"J.M, John Murphy," she said before she walked out of the tent. We followed her out when she got to him, and she pushed him, causing him to stumble a little. She started yelling at him about killing Wells. Before we know it, people start beating him and then hang him up. Clarke was trying to stop them, but people were holding her back. That's when a little girl told everyone that she killed wells. That's when finn shows up to save the day again. Everyone was quiet at first until Murphy and his friends said something. They want to kill her, but Clarke, Finn, bellamy, and the little girl is in the tent talk about what's going to happen.

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