Change, Embrace It.

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Do You Like Hearing Sarcastic British Teenagers With Too Much Time On Their Hands? Do You Like Having Just Enough Time To Complete Compulsory Tasks For School And Work And Then Finding Yourself In A Never Ending Spiral Of Procrastination? If The Answer Is Yes Then Head Over To iTunes And Check Out My Podcast 'Cuts, Bruises & Pink Lemonade'. If The Answer Is No Then You're Probably In Denial.

One of my biggest hates is when people say "oh, you changed" as if they thought I'd be the same person I was when I was shoving crayons up my nose at age 3. Surprise bitch!...I haven't done that since last week. Seriously though don't be afraid to change, its essential. Example; if you were to touch an iron whilst it was hot and you burnt yourself, chances are you'd be more careful around irons so the whole "oh, you've changed" condescending pity statement actually is a huge compliment. Yes, I also used to struggle to walk but nowadays that sense on instability can only be achieved with the consumption of alcohol.

I have aspirations and plans as to what I want to do and who I want to be but I have no idea who I am, not really. I know who other people think I am but it's not until you meet new people, experience new things and are changed by those experiences where the person you truly are begins to appear clearer.

The human mind is naturally curious, trying to find new ways of doing things and developing as a human race is vital! For example, NASA are currently looking at planets that appear to be suitable for sustaining human life, the issue is that they're lightyears aways from anywhere we've ever been before so they need to find out whether that is even a possibility. We've all seen films about the end of the world or at least the end of human life on earth, they end in several ways:
- Meteor attack
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Kid drops the hottest mixtape of all time
- We inhabit a new planet

Things are constantly changing, the state of my sanity is probably the easiest example but there are plenty more. A new group of friends, redecorating your room, a new experience etc. Each decision you make will impact the way your life turns out similar to Final Destination, except if you use a tanning bed never use one that closes you in completely, in this case you deserve to be fried and crispy.

You never know where life is going to take you, what people you're going to meet and when it's all going to end so you're better off being the person that you want to be as much as you possibly can. If that requires change then change, those of you who know video games will know this quote well "insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again expecting shit to change... That. Is. Crazy."

Changing as a person is like shaving your legs, you dread it but once it's happened you want to show off your new self to everyone. #Relatable

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