My Biggest Fear.

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Everybody has a fear, I feel like it goes without saying. We have fears of spiders or snakes or moths (they have some kind of motive guys, what do they want with our lights? They're charging up for mass destruction). However, on top of those physical fears we often also have mental fears. For example, being alone.

Hopefully you can relate to me when I say my biggest fear is time. More specifically, wasting it. This is why I constantly push myself to learn something new, experience something different and have a million and one things going on at a single time. Now, my attention span is that of a pencil, after an hour of focusing I quickly become fidgety and distracted therefore occupying my time with a bunch of different projects definitely helps. Once I get bored of one task I move on to the next with a fresh mindset *light bulb*.

I could never understand when people in their 40's would say they felt like they were in their 20's, that is until I started to notice the same thing (only being 17 means there's quite a contrast but stick with it). At 17 I took my first driving lessons last week which I had been putting off for a while using any excuse to delay the inevitable, the truth is I didn't want to drive because it feels like something adults do and I DO NOT consider myself an adult in any way. To me, I'm still 12.

Being considered an adult is scary when you don't feel like you're finished being a child, there are some exciting plans I have for when I'm older but as for right now I'm A-okay with impulsive purchasing of toys just because I can't possibly leave them alone in the store. (I blame you Toy Story!)

To be honest the thing that would terrify me the most would be waking up 30 years from now and feeling like I'd achieved nothing, that I had done the same thing day in day out without ever making an effort to change it. Working in the same job role for 30 years with the same miserable boss and leak in the ceiling (shush, I'm painting an image) that truly would be grim.

Stability and consistency is good I'm not saying freelancing is the way forward by any means. However, don't let your schedule stop you from doing spontaneous things last minute, don't stop living life for something replaceable.

If this book teaches you anything please let it teach you to only spend time on people and activities that deserve it. I'm not saying skydive or bungee jump, if you want to binge watch Netflix all day because that makes you happy then fucking go for it bro! Just as long as you save me a seat.

That's it. Preach over.

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