04. Look What Have you Done!

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Bad News

1) I didn't kill him

Good news

2) I kneed him Hard on his male reproductive part and hopefully he would remember it every time his dick entered some women's vagina

Other facts

3) I got 4 Sundays detention in case you where wondering

Official Fact

4) We broke up.. In case you had any doubts

" Baby wait" Ryan groaned as he followed me down the hallway limping with his hand on his crotch. I silently strided away trying to contain and arrange my emotions

" Babes!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

" WHAT!" I yelled on his face

" I can explain.." He muttered cupping my face

" Really????" I asked shocked

" Um.. It's just like.. What.. happened.. OKAY fine i can't explain it.." He sighed.
I lost it. I lost my control over the previously accumulated tears. Thick drops of tears trickled down my cheek

" Since when has this been happening? " i choked

" I.. I was dating you both together " He muttered
I gasped horrified.
This just cannot happen. I could feel the cracks engraving my heart.

" Baby i do love you-
My palms collided with his cheek and the sound reverberated.

" Don't you baby me Dickhead!" I screamed.

" All those times you refused to spend time with me was because you where banging that.. That Blonde haired wannabe! ..okay even i am blonde but that's not the point!" I exclaimed

He remained silent as he slowly bit his cheek which where red from my slap. He wasn't one the popular kids or something. He was one of those boys who used to bike around the town and vandalized properties. I never judged him for who he was and just genuinely liked him.

"We can sort it out! Come over to my place ill make you forget everything "He asked with hopeful brown eyes.

I stared at him in disbelief.
" You frikking cheated on me and you think you can just change my mind by having sex with me?

" I always do" He replied bluntly
My jaw dropped. I fell in love with this guy?

I had never felt so stupid my entire life.
I gave my everything to guy i loved but he never loved me back. I didn't ask for forever shit. I knew this would end someday but i wanted to give my faith trust and virginity to someone who cared for me. Who at least respected me if not loved me. I thought Ryan felt that way.
He was the only guy who didn't see me as a loser or laugh at my failures. He gave me hope. He gave me a reason to believe i have something to look up to when i am being pulled down by faith.
And now in one fucking day
He just sucked that all away

" You are fucking disgusting " I spat and angrily turned away.

Fuck him

Fuck the world

I am better off alone.

Like i always was


My body ached. Every single cell was combating with tire. I kept on punching the bag till the leather tore apart and my knuckles turned deep red sheathed with blood.
For some reason hitting the punch bag wasn't working
I don't know why i still kept hitting.
Life felt like a big game of chess.
It was me against fate. And fate was one move away from getting me checkmate.
I felt like crying but i just channeled every emotion through anger

Living With My Fate ✔(#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now