Chapter 16: Game On

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gif of emma :))

I am so going to hell.

Spitting my food in my napkin, I notice that Tracy and Will haven't even tried to touch their food.


"Mom can you please just order pizza, you're gonna poison Emma." Tracy whines, not flinching in the slightest at the harsh look her mom throws at her.

"It is not that bad." Their mom tries to reason, taking the first bite of her food since she was washing the dishes from preparing the meal.

Tracy makes a small sound when her mother's face scrunches up into a grimace.

"Okay, I'm ordering pizza." Their mom sighs, pushing her plate away and leaving to get her phone.

I sigh in relief and lean back against the chair, glad that I don't have to force myself to eat anymore of that thing I can't even call food.

"Come on, Emma. Let's go to my room and start on our project." Tracy says as she stands to her feet, her words causing me to do the same.

Will stands up as well, walking past us without a word and going back to his room.

Tracy rolls her eyes at his behavior before smiling slightly at me.

My feet naturally follow her to her room, looking around as she brings me to a part of the house I haven't seen yet.

I bring my attention back to her when the door to her room makes a sound as she opens it, revealing the light color of her room.

"Wow, this is cool." I compliment as I step inside, looking around at the wall.

"I know right. When we moved here the person painting my room told me about the sunset color option and I was like 'I must have that'. And now here we are."

I smile at her explanation as my hand grazes over the wall that was painted light blue with a bright yellow at the end, making it look like the sun was going down in her own room.

Tracy collapses onto her very fluffy looking bed before pulling out her Mac laptop from under it.

My lips tugs up into a smile at the stickers on the laptop, loving how much of a kid she still is.

Following her example, I sit on the bed as well and cross my legs, watching as she logs onto her computer.

"This project is gonna be the death of me." Tracy groans, already tired of working when we just started.

"Cause of death; the devil's project." I add on, smiling as Tracy fakes her death and lays with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

The sudden opening of the door causing me to jump slightly and look towards it quickly.

"Trac, have you seen my car keys." Will asks, ignoring my stare and looking straight at his sister.

"Goddamnit Will, you'd lose your own head if it wasn't attached."

"What head?"


"T'was a joke."

Tracy sends him a glare, seeming annoyed by his presence.

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