Chapter 29: Get A Room, Animals

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gif of tyler and spencer ;)

"This is a suicide mission you know that? We could get killed."

"I doubt that." Tyler rolls his eyes at Brandon, glancing at him through the mirror.

"We could. You heard Emma's story, anything could happen with these people."

"Man shut up." Carter hits his friend, shrugging him to the side so he can climb into the car as well. I narrow my eyes at Brandon to which he smiles at, using his innocence to his advantage.

I let a small huff escape my lips before turning back in my seat, knowing I'm too tired to intimate him. Tyler grasps my hand with his and squeezes it, glancing at me for a second with a small smile.

He lets go when I smile back and puts both of his hands on the wheel once again. The engine growls when the car starts and I lean against the side of my door, staring out the window as we start to drive away.

"How far away is this place anyways?" Carter asks from the back, making me glance at him through the mirror on my side.

"A couple hours, so get comfortable." Tyler answers for me.

Brandon grumbles something that I can't hear but Carter shuts him up with a shove. I try not to take it personal, I know how grumpy he gets when he doesn't have breakfast. He should've eaten when we told him to.

"Do you want to pick the music?" Tyler asks me and I turn my attention to the stereo, thinking about his question. Nodding slightly, I hook my phone to the bluetooth and search for a playlist that would work.

Deciding just to let my music shuffle, I put my phone back down on the cup holder next to Tyler's.

"What time is it?" Brandon mutters from the back and I glance at the clock on the dashboard.

"10:35." Carter answers instead and I yawn, reminding me of how early we had to get up to be able to do this. When Tyler got that text yesterday, we both were unsure about how long my brother would be at that location. So we decided to skip school, it's a Monday, to drive down here and when the other two boys found out they wanted to come.

Of course Brandon was harder to convince since we had to wake up at about nine in the morning, but still, he's here. Like he always is.

The place that Spencer sent us is a good few hours away, a little bit further from where Carter was hiding out, and it will take us the whole day to get there seeing as traffic gets bad and stuff.

Hopefully my aunt and uncle won't be too mad about this mini adventure we decided to go on.

"My parents are going to kill me." Brandon speaks again but it's clear he didn't intend for anyone else to hear it. "I mean if they even notice I'm gone."

My heart leaps at his last sentence and I frown at the obvious neglect his parents give him. We don't talk about it much but it's noticeable. They don't give him the attention he deserves and I never say this out loud, but they weren't ready to be parents. They weren't ready to give up everything for Brandon.

"Marcus is going to kill me when he realizes I'm not at school. He made me promise I would start going constantly because if I miss too many days I might not be able to graduate. If I don't get my diploma I'm killing all of you."

"You didn't have to come." Tyler points out to Carter before turning a sharp corner and giving me anxiety for a short moment.

"Yes I did. That's such a stupid thing to say."

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