Chapter 26: Peter Pan

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gif of peter pan because that's the name of the chapter :)

I awoke to Tyler's arm wrapped tightly around my waist. And a feeling of relief settled somewhere in my chest.

I let myself sink back into the bed for a second and rest my head back against the pillow that has dried from my tears.

After I finished the story, I couldn't stop crying. I didn't want the boys to waste their food but Tyler wasn't having it. He dragged me out of the restaurant and left Carter and Brandon to finish if they wanted. I think they assumed we needed time alone.

He pushed me lightly into the passengers seat and drove me back to his empty house where his mother first gotten sick and the place his dad never saw again.

I managed to force myself up the stairs and into his room as he got me something to drink. My head was barely surfacing the covers when he entered and the sigh he released caused an ache to go through my heart.

He climbed in next to me and I froze when he grabbed my hand.

"You're a piece of work aren't you?" He quietly stated but it had a hint of something. Something that said what you just told me doesn't matter and we'll get through this.

And, of course, that just made me cry harder and he wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his chest, muttering I'm sorries and short stories about my brother I could never finish because it would just make me choke on saliva.

I don't remember how or when I fell asleep but now, as I'm regaining my consciousness, it's about three in the afternoon.

Tyler moves slightly next to me and I wonder when he fell asleep as I stare at him. It's a surprise to me that he's even still here. I guess that's why my heart drips at the thought of waking him up. Then I will have to face him.

I collapse back into my previous position and shift backward until my back hits Tyler's chest. He shuffles around, pulling me closer subconsciously. I sigh, closing my eyes but knowing I won't get back to sleep.

The loud thump that follows my actions makes my eyes widen and I sit up, wondering where the hell that came from. My heart races when Tyler shifts from next to me and I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding when he stops and continues to sleep.

I manage to get his arm off of me and climb off the bed without waking him up. My feet hit the shaggy carpet and I softly leave the room, closing the door slowly behind me.

Another quieter thump echoes through the air and I rush down the stairs of Tyler's house. I glance around as I reach the living room, letting my mind run wild at what possibly could have made those sounds.

It happens again and I realize it's coming from the kitchen. I let out a shaky breathe before taking small steps towards the door separating the two rooms. My hand rests on the wooden texture of it and I bite down on my lip before pushing it open.

My shoulders drop from their tense position when I see who the culprit that made the sounds is.

"Brandon? Carter? What are you doing?" I hiss, watching as they turn around with startled eyes. They visibly relax when they see it's me but I can see the awkwardness left in their eyes. What I told them affected us, I know it did.

I sigh and jump my head to look at the floor, feeling disappointed that they can't treat me the same anymore.

"We were making pancakes." Brandon speaks for the both of them, stepping aside slightly as I lift my head so I can see what they were doing. My nose crinkles at the sight of their "pancakes".

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