hes gone , forever

30 0 2

samis pov

harrys arms wrapped around my hips and my head curled into his chest. i didnt exactly wanna move but today was the singer marathon , i had to be at the stage around 9 am , so i climbed out of the bed , harry stretched and looked at me with half open eyes , someone knocked on the door , i put on a bra and undies giving harry time to put boxers on . i opened the door and saw liam " hey we gotta be there in about an hour so get ready" he said then kissed my head and added " breakfast is on the counter meet us in the lobby in 50 min" as he walked away. i shut the door and was face to face with that gorgeous curly haired boy that i love i cupped my hands around his head and stood on my tippy toes and put my lips softly against his , i opened my mouth more and we both recieved a better kiss , he held my back but sadly pulled away staring into my eyes his thumb was softly running over my cheek bone. " you know samantha , i honestly think you are the most beautiful thing i've ever seen" he said lifting my head up with his fingers , i blushed and tried to look down but that didnt work well cuz his ever so sweet kiss had made its way to my ever so bitter lips . i was in perfect serenity . my phone started buzzing shit, was all i could thing , i broke the kiss , my lips still had the tingling sensation i always got from him , it was my alarm clock " i gotta go take a shower , and you go take one to , we both have a big performence , now shoo" i said while whisshing my hands at him " why cant we take one together" he said pulling me into his bare ches " because it'll take to long" i said pulling away " not if we're quick" he said with a wink " ill make you  a deal styles" i said looking into his eyes " im listening" he said cocky " if we dont kiss or do anything to 'pleasure' eachother than yes we can take a shower together" i told him waiting for him to object but to my suprise he said " anything to be with you for even just a second" he picked me up and set me down in the bathroom , he pulled off his boxers and turned on the shower , i got a quick veiw of his ass , and damn it was the best ass ive seen in years, i unclipped my bra and pulled down my underwear , i let my hair down and climbed in , he did the same , except he pulled me into a really long hug , the water dripped down my spine and onto his hair , " as much as im enjoying this we made a deal mr , we have to hurry up " i said wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him , he nodded and grabbed his shampoo , ill admit he was adorable when he was in the shower , i played with his hair and put it in a mohawk " awwwe my babys got a frohawk" i said kissing him " just cuz you gave me a kiss doesnt mean im not gonna get you back" he explained , he grabbed my shampoo? he started washing my hair? i giggled the whole time " you by far are the oddest boyfriend i have ever had" i told him , he stared at me and rinsed my hair " i do believe i am also the cleanest" he replied " well that depends on if we're talking about in your mind or does this involve germs?" i asked making him chuckle , i rinsed his hair , and grabbed his body wash , i put it on my hands and washed his chest he just looked at me with the most adorable smile i've ever seen "do i get to do this to you next?" he asked cheekily i shook my head with a grin and continued washing his back area , i rinsed him off and said " my turn , but rememeber the deal styles" i said shaking my index finger at him " fine" he said putting the body  wash on his hand , he first did my stomach , as i would probably do my breasts by my- , op never mind , his hands went over my breasts and i gave him a glare "u-hmmm" " what ? you dont seem very pleasured to me so why not?" he replied to my glare i couldnt come up with a reason why not so i let him continue , he rinsed me off and pulled me in close the warm water met his hot skin making me paralyzed , i was trapped in his warmth , i couldnt ever leave this boy or man "stay here with me forever" i accidently mumbled as my eyes closed shut " you know i would baby doll" he whispered in my ear still holding me close then continued " but i do belive we have a show today" he said and turned off the water , i grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body i shivered as the cold air hit my warm skin . he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out and looked at me " my god sam ,your lips are blue" he said looking at me worried , he ran over to me and covered me in his warmth once again , he held me with him while he grabbed clothes for both of us , he put on his beanie a gray t-shirt and black skinny jeans , i put on my gray  shirt that had the arm pit area cut out that  said jack daniels , dont ask how i got it , and black skinny jeans , he threw me a beanie and i smiled " awwee were matching hun" i said looking at him , he smiled and said " i know that was kinda the point " he handed me my gray converse and he slipped his on , i grabbed my duffel bag , put on some make up here and there , then walked to the kitchen , liam had pancakes and milk layed out for us " awwee  i love my brother" i said as harry walked out . we ate and left holding hands , he was so warm still , i wanted to curl up into his chest again but for now i had to contain myselfwe stood in the elevator silently until i pressed the stop button "oh boy not this again" he said jokingly , i looked down , and stepped away from him , in a way that kinda hurt , i couldnt tell if he felt the same thing last night so i didnt wanna seem needy , i pressed the go button again , but this time he stopped it he looked at me hurt in his eyes " whats the matter with you? its not like you felt anything anyways , so lets go before we get in trouble" i said still looking down , my heart raced for an unexplainable reason , he pulled me into his chest , i began to sob and once again i had no idea why , he petted the back of my head , i felt a water drop on my head , he was crying " stop itttt , your not aloud to cry , your to important" i said joking he pulled out of his chest , and lifting my chin up , "dont ever say i didnt feel the same thing again , and we wont have that  issue" he replied , more tears fell " please dont let go" i pleaded , another tear streamed down his face, he pulled me into another hug and held me for a few seconds,  i finally stopped crying but i could tell he wasnt okay after that.

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