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A week later ..

Sitting at the doctors office alone is never fun, but when you're here about a pregnancy it's even worse. This should be an amazing moment for me that I'll remember for the rest of my life, but I'm really dreading it.

Ive been avoiding Zack at all cost. The only person who knows is Izzy. I need to tell my mom, but I know she won't have to reaction that I want. I know no mother would be happy finding out their 16 year old daughter is pregnant, but my mom is different. She's not really involved in my life, so I don't know how she will react.

I really need some support right now, but don't know where to find it.

"Ashley Smith" The nurse calls

She walks me into room 12, at the end of the hall. I sit on the bed as she types things into the computer while looking at my chart. She asks me basic questions like when was my last period, all that good stuff.

"Doctor will be in shortly." She says with a bright smile.

The doctor comes in shortly later and it's the same doctor as last time, Dr. Wright.

"Hi, Ashley. How are you?" She asks

"Pretty good" She looks at me as if she knows I'm lying.

"Alright, lay back let's check on your baby."

I look at the screen and see a small little dot. The doctor said that's my baby. The baby is so small at this stage in the pregnancy you don't really know what you're looking at.

"Well, it looks like your about 8 weeks along. You and the baby seem very healthy. Im going to prescribe you some vitamins, just so you two stay healthy." She says with a smile.

"Thanks" I say and she hands me the ultrasound pictures.

I stare at my little tiny baby in the picture. I honestly dont know what I'm going to do.

After leaving the doctor I picked up my vitamins from the pharmacy, then head home.

I walk into the house and see my mom in the living room, alone. It's weird seeing her by herself, usually she has a guy with her.

"Hey mom" I say as im closing the door.

"Ashley, hey. I need to talk to you. "


"Me and Jared are leaving for a few weeks. Im not exactly sure how long we'll be gone but we're leaving first thing in the morning." She says, im assuming Jared is the guy from dinner a few weeks ago.

I knew I wouldn't have her support, I really need her right now.

"Mom, please dont go. I need you right now. " I say begging her not to go.

"What could a 16 year old girl possibly need from her mother? You should be happy I'm leaving. Invite some friends over."

"I'm pregnant." Is all I say

"Oh my god!" She screams

"Im sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Whatever. You dont need me for that. Have Isabelle take of it. She can help you get an abortion. "

"What? Im not getting abortion. I have to see what the dad wants." I say

I can't believe my mom would even suggest that.

"Then give the thing up for adoption. I dont know what to tell you. Me and Jared really need this time away."

"Fine." I turn away from her and go upstairs and slam my door as hard as I can.

I knew she wouldn't be supportive of me.

Why couldn't she be like a normal mother and cry and be disappointed. No, she had to be selfish like she's always been. I kind of wanted her to scream and yell and cry that her teenage daughter is having a baby, but I knew I wouldn't get that from her.

Now, I just have to tell Zack. I think this is going to be the hardest part of it all. His whole life is going to be turned upside down.


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