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Today's the day. Me and Zack are going to the adoption agency. There's a really good place down town, I found out about it inline.

I'm so nervous, it's not an exact plan yet just something that we need to look into.

I pick Zack up at his house and drive straight to the adoption agency. It's not a far drive from where he lives. I get there quickly leaving no time for Zack and I to talk in the car.

"Are you nervous?" He asks as we enter the building

"Very" I say

We had to sign in then wait for our names to be called to speak to someone.

"Ashley" the lady calls and me and Zack follow her back to a very large office.

"Hello Ashley and Zack. My name is Regina. So tell me what made you choose adoption." She says

I look over at Zack wanting him to speak, but he doesn't so I guess I have to.

"We didn't, were just looking into it. We're not sure yet." I say

"I see. Okay, well what do you need to know?"

"I'm just not sure how everything goes if you give your child up."

"Well, you can have a closed adoption where you won't be able to see your child again or you can have an open adoption where your will get updates on your child and pictures, maybe even visitation." She says

"How would we pick a family." Zack asks

"I'm going to send you home with a booklet of couples who are wanting to adopt. You can choose someone from there."

We ask her a few more questions then leave. It was a weird experience, I never thought up would be in this position in my life. I always thought I would finish high school, get married than have children. I should have known things don't always go as planned.

"Want to go to my house and look at this?" I ask Zack


Me and Zack look through the huge book and no one is sticking out to us. All the same thing a couple who can't have kids looking to adopt a baby. None of them seem special enough to adopt my baby though.

I almost felt like giving up until my eyes light up when I read about this one couple. They have been married for 5 years and have been trying to have kids ever since, They found out that they couldn't have children 3 Years into trying, which was devastating for them.

The women's name is Jane and she's a nurse at the local hospital. The guys name is John and he's a firefighter. They go on yearly vacations all over the world, they love traveling and family is their main priority.

They sound like they would be perfect parents.

"Zack what about them." I say

"Yeah, they seem great." He says

"I know."

"Is this really what you want?"

"No, but we have to do what's best for the baby." I say and look at the couple's picture again.

"I know.." Zack says

"Let's set up a time to meet them then."


After Zack staying over for what seemed like forever I drove him home. We hung out all day, it was nice spending time with him, even if it weren't for the best reasons.

We were both on edge all day due to the fact that we're considering adoption. I really just wish I had someone to talk to about this. Of course I can talk to Maria, but she doesn't understand what I'm going through.

I head down stairs with my stomach grumbling. I look into the kitchen and See Isabelle cooking up a storm. I have no idea what she's making but it smells delicious.

"What are you making?" I ask her

"Your favorite."

"BBQ pizza with a salad.?" I ask her with a smile

"Of course" she says and comes over and gives me a hug

"I love you Isabelle. Thanks for being like a mom to me all my life."

"Oh, honey. I love you so much. I would do anything for you and your sister and now your little bundle of joy."


I hope she won't be disappointed in me for looking into adoption.

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