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I put on a pretty pink sun dress that hits my knees and a pair of white sandles. I curl my long hair, I put on light makeup, then I'm done.

I look at myself in the mirror. I look fine, but my confidence is very low ever since I've gotten bigger.

Zack said he was picking me up, which I don't know how since he doesn't have a car. I'm not complaining because I don't feel like driving anyway.

I step outside and see a car pull up.

He steps out and grabs my hand and leads me to the car, then he holds the car door open for me.

"Thank you." I say and step into the car

"Sorry about the car, I had to borrow my neighbors car."

"I don't mind" I say

He takes off, I don't know where were going but I'm so excited to find out. It's been so long since I've been on a date, I'm more than happy it's with Zack.

He pulls into an ice cream shop. He knows me so well, he knows I can't say no to ice cream.

We get out of the car and he puts my hand in his. I smile, he's being so sweet. Zack really is a gentleman.

"Sorry we can't go on a fancy date to some experience restaurant" he says and looks at the ground

"I like this so much more." I say and it cheers him up

I order chocolate ice cream and he orders vanilla.

We sit down at a little bench in the corner of the ice cream shop.

"I'm so happy that you said yes." He says

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're popular and I'm well not."

"So, you're so much nicer than any other guy I've ever dated." I say

"I hope so"

After eating our ice cream and talking a little more. We take a little walk down the beach. The sun is setting so the sky looks purple, It's very romantic.

This is so much better then going to a experience restaurant. Just being here with him on this beautiful night is perfect.

"This is beautiful" I say and look up at his eyes

"Like you" he says and I blush

He needs to stop saying things like that, I'm not the type of girl to blush.

We walk hand and hand down the beach, It's so amazing. I've never been on a date like this before. With Kyle we never really went on dates, he always wanted to make out in the back of his car and consider it a date.

It's so different being around someone who actually cares.

We stop at the end of the beach and just stare at the sunset.

"It's going to be so different once the baby gets here." I say

"Yeah it is."

"You're going to have to stay the night some nights."

"I will every night if that's what you want." He says

We walk down a beach a little longer until I start to feel very tired so he drives me home.

Once I'm home he walks me up to the door.

"Thanks for tonight it was amazing." I say

"I had a really good time with you." He says

He leans down and kisses me on the cheek. I expected him to kiss me on the lips, he probably wants to take things slow, even though I'm having his baby.



I watch as he drives away. I smile, this was the best date ever.

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