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Zack and I haven't spoken much since I told him I'm pregnant, I know we should be in contact more but things are kind of awkward between us, still.

Today is my 12 week appointment, Zack wanted to tag along and see how the baby is.

I head out to go to the doctors office and the nervousness settles in. I'm always nervous before these appointments, even though I've

I've starting showing a bit, it's a lot more noticeable now. I've just started wearing baggy clothes to school and when I go places.

My stomach sticks out a little at the bottom now, it's kind of cute to me, but I don't want anyone else seeing it.

As I step into the doctors office I see Zack, already waiting for me. He gives me a small smile, I check myself in and go sit beside of him.

We've texted here and there and I told him, I'm no for abortion and he agrees which is great.

We still don't know what we want, but i won't hurt this baby.

The doctor calls me back and I go into the room and wait.

"I'm glad you came with me." I say to Zack

"Me too. Is it weird that I'm kind of excited?"

I smile at him and shake my head no, I'm glad one of us is excited.

"Hi Ashley, nice to see you again. Are you the father?" Dr. Wright asks

"Yes" me and Zack say together

The doctor rubs the gel on my stomach and puts the ultrasound thing on my stomach. She moves it around a bit then points to the screen.

"That's my baby?" I ask with a smile spread across my face

"Yes that's the baby."

I can't believe what I see, I see my beautiful little baby. The baby is still small, but it's grown so much since my last appointment I can't believe it. I look over at Zack and see his eyes fixed on the screen, he looks amazed.

"Wow" I hear Zack say.

"Wow is right." Dr Wright says "Your baby is growing very fast. He or she is about 6cm long. Your baby is very healthy."

I feel a tear roll down my check, I'm always crying lately.

"She's beautiful" I say out loud meaning to say it in my head

"She?" Zack asks

"I feel like it's a girl."

"We'll be able to tell soon, just not quite yet." The doctor says. "Heres your pictures, I'll give you two some privacy."

"Wow, I never knew it would be like this." Zack says

"You sound amazed." I say and laugh

"I am." He says and I smile up at him.

I've never really given it much thought, but Zack is really cute. He's really tall, way taller then me. He towers over me. He has shaggy brown hair and a perfect white smile. I wonder why he's not more popular.

I head home happier then I've been in a while. Zack seemed really happy and excited at the appointment.

I mean no 17 year old boy really wants a kid, but he seemed really happy. Which made me seem less anxious about the whole situation.

When i get home, i see my mom and sister watching a movie in the living room, that's odd my mom never spends time with us.

"Hey guys" I say as I shut the large front door.

My little sister smiles at me and my mom stands up.

"We need to talk about this baby Ashley." She says in her stern motherly tone, which shes never really used on me much in my childhood.

"I'm handling it mom" I say already getting frustrated.

"You can not keep that baby. Have you even told your father"

"No, hes been on a business trip for the past 2 months."

"Hes not going to want you to keep it. "

"Well, its not his decision or yours, Its mine." I say

"Fine, if you really want it, Isabelle will take care of it while you live out your teen years."

"I'm not having her take care of my baby, like you did."

"Whatever Ashley. I'm just trying to help you. We'll talk about this later. You're stressing me out."

I walk away after she says that. She's right about one thing, I do need to tell my father.

I've known for a month and really haven't told any family except my mom and sister.

I go sit on my bed and pick up my iPhone. I dial my dad's number and wait to here his voice, but it never comes. It rings once and goes straight to voicemail like It always does when I call.

"Hey dad. It's uh.. me Ashley. Your daughter... I really need to talk to you so please call me back. Love you bye" I say into the voicemail.

I doubt he'll even listen to it, he has so many work calls, he never gets back to us.

I guess he will have to find out that his little girl is expecting later.

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