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5 years later -

"Ahh, Ayden. Stop running in the house." I scream over my shoulder as I'm stirring a pot of soup

"Sorry, mommy" He says back

"It's okay, baby. Go play in the living room."

It's already 5:30 guest should be arriving soon. I don't know why I told everyone to be here at 5:45, I need more time.

I start setting the table as quickly as I can, This is why you don't throw last minute get togethers.

I hear a knock on the door so I know someone is here.

"Ugh" I sigh

"Ohh thank God it's only you" I say when I see Maria

"Well hi to you to" Maria says and laughs

"Sorry I've been running around all day trying to get this all together. It would have been perfect if things weren't on such a short notcie."

"I know. Things will be okay, Ashley."

I hug her. She's always been here through the hard times.

Maria bends down so she's eye level with her daughter, Ava. "Honey go play with Ayden. I'll be in the kitchen helping auntie if you need me"

Ava shyly walks into my house. She's a very shy girl, sweet girl. She gets her sweetness from her mom, I hope she's nothing like her dad.

"What are you making? Smells great" Maria says while holding her pregnant belly

"Cheese soup in a bread bowl."


I hear another knock at the door and practically run to the door.


"Hi sweetheart." He hugs me

"Hello" Miranda says in her bitter voice

We still don't get along, even after all these years.

My dad and Mirandas relationship has been rocky ever since what happened with Dylan. They ended up not adopting a kid. I kind of feel bad for her, but she didn't want another kid to turn out like Dylan. I don't blame her, I wouldn't either but I know it's something they both really wanted.

Once everyone has arrived I give everyone food and everyone starts to eat and chat. I love having all my family and friends together, We don't get together often enough.

"Mommy, mommy" Ayden says pulling at the bottom of my dress


"Where's daddy "

"Should be here any minute." I smile at him

Now that Ayden is almost 5 he looks just like Zack. He looks nothing like me, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Zack walks into the dining room with his army uniform on, He looks so handsome in it.

Zack bends over and kisses me on the check then sits beside me.

"Daddy!" Ayden screams

"He sure is a daddy's boy" My mom says

"Hi, buddy. " Zack says and ruffles Aydens hair

We sit around the table and talk for awhile before it's time to tell everyone the big news.

I clear my throat.

"Okay, so I bet you're all wondering why I made you guys come to a dinner on such short notice. I haevent really told anyone this yet, but Zack is getting deployed to Afghanistan.. For 6 months to a year.. " I say and tears come to my eyes

Mostly everyone in the room gasps, I don't think anyone was really expecting that. I sure wasn't, I kind of knew when Zack started his army training it would lead to something like this, but I didn't think so soon. I don't know what I'll do without him for 6 months or even a year.

My mom is the first person to come up to me and hug me. Me and my mom have really gotten along lately, which I'm really glad about. She's not selfish and self consumed anymore.

I hug her back tightly.

"I'm here for whatever you need. I'll even move in with you. If you need me to." She says

"Thank you, mom."

Then Anna comes up to me.

"That's crazy " is all she says

I just nod my head along.

Everyone tells me they're sorry and that they're here for me. I'm glad I have such good family and support system.

Ayden is to young to understand that his dad is leaving for awhile. He can barely go a hour without asking for his dad, I don't know what he'll do with not having him for that long.

It's kind of a relief when everyone leaves. I'm sick of talking about it. I just want to relax.

"I love you, baby." Zack says

"I love you"

"I really don't want to be leaving you and Ayden for this long."

"I know, me either but you have to. We'll be okay. " I say to reassure him

I stand on my tip toes and kiss him.

This man has changed my life in so many ways, but I'm happy he did. He gave me a beautiful son and a wonderful life. Hes amazing, I really am blessed to have found him. I hope he doesn't get hurt in Afghanistan.

I can't lose him.

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