Chapter 15 - Dragon Flight

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Battle Ground, Indiana

Claire was not thrilled about her new house guests. They were not patient like Cyrus. Koldis looked at her as if she were a monster, Jovari avoided her gaze altogether, and Reyr simply wore an expression of defeat. They hardly conversed, and when they did, they did so telepathically to exclude her.

Cyrus was no longer in the yard beside the cornfield. He'd been wrapped in blankets and secured with twine. He now rested on the porch. Koldis insisted on standing watch beside Cyrus all night, probably because he couldn't stomach being around her. She was happier for it, eager to be rid of his ominous gaze.

Long after dark, she cooked dinner for everyone. She hoped it might win them over, but she was wrong. The only one who thanked her was Reyr. Of the three, he had the kindest heart.

What a miserable night!

When she finally retired to her bedroom, she cried herself to sleep. Her dreams were filled with strange scenes, strange people, and strange events. As if her brain no longer belonged to her. As though her mind had met another's.

In the morning, she woke to find dark circles under her bloodshot eyes. Inside, she felt dead, and she didn't know how long it would take to heal.

Your sadness will not last an eternity, reasoned her mind, the voice that now lived there.

It certainly felt like it would.

The Drengr were eager to depart. They gathered in the kitchen for their morning meal. After their ungrateful display the night before, she didn't bother cooking them breakfast. They could scrounge up their own damned food for all she cared.

They hid their grief by arguing. This morning, she was their sole topic. Neither Koldis nor Jovari wished to bring her back to Dragonwall, despite Reyr insisting upon it the day before. All the same arguments came back.

"Why should we burden ourselves with her?" Koldis asked. "She's hiding something."

Jovari was no better. "You know the laws regarding the Gates, Reyr. Are you truly willing to take such a risk?"

When that didn't work, their tactics changed. "Are you not ashamed to carry this human upon your back?" Koldis asked, sneering with contempt intended for her. "I mean truly. It is an abomination to carry her! What would your Gemma think? What will other people think? Other Drengr?"

Her face burned hot. They said these things to hurt her and she knew it.

Reyr scowled. "What choice have I, Koldis? You expect me to carry her in my claws? We have a long way to go before reaching Kastali Dun, and she'll slip through my grasp long before that."

"I'm not that heavy." Her angry mutter was hardly a whisper.

"It's not your weight, but rather, Reyr's dignity at stake." Koldis glared at her. She scowled back at him.

Be patient with them, said the same voice of reason she'd been trying hard to ignore. Grief has clouded their judgement.

How was she supposed to be patient when they were being so mean? And why was she arguing with the voice in her head? Was she really that crazy?

"To Undirfold with my dignity!" said Reyr. "Have I not already failed? My dignity is lost. Claire comes with us, end of discussion."

Once that was settled, they prepared to depart. To her relief, she was allowed to pack some belongings. "Make it quick," Jovari snapped.

Taking his advice, she jumped from her seat and rushed upstairs. In her bedroom, she frantically began gathering belongings. When she had a pile of stuff, she inventoried it. Protein bars, candy she'd found lying around her room, because she was a sugar addict, bottles of water, at least ten pairs of undies, a couple of bras, two changes of clothes that included her sturdiest pairs of denim, a travel pack of toiletries and other feminine products, the bedroll she used for hunting trips with her dad, the revolver and with its extra ammunition, and finally, the leather pouch containing the Dragon Stones.

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