Authors Note

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Hi Wattpad Readers!

I know what you're saying! "Wait a minute?! Claire hasn't killed Kane yet. The story isn't over!" And indeed you are correct. The story is FAR from over. It continues in the second book, Reyr the Gold, which can be found on my Wattpad page.

I have structured Talon the Black with inspiration from one of my favorites: Game of Thrones (GoT). GoT is structured as one long epic consisting of seven, yes, seven books!

I wish to THANK YOU for taking the time to read Talon the Black🐲. Your interest means a lot to me! If you enjoyed this story, please consider going back to vote for your favorite chapters by hitting that little gold ⭐️star⭐️ (if you already did, I really appreciate it!!!)

Also note: I post my work on Wattpad for FREE, so that those who cannot afford to buy books, can still read my work. If you wish to support me financially, I have a novella called "For the Crown" which is a story of Princess Lena and Prince Gallant that takes place many thousands of years before Talon's time, but helps set the stage for the politics and world building. You can purchase this book through various retailers, including Amazon, or read it on Kindle Unlimited.

Hope to see you back for Reyr the Gold!

All my best,




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