Chapter 49 - Redcote the Fox

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Northern Barrier Range

Mikkin heard Jamie's surprised cry before his eyes opened. When the lad shook him awake with whispered curses, his own eyes widened and his breath caught in his chest. Shadows passed overhead, blotting out the sun in spurts. He jumped to his feet, pulling Jamie to the nearest tree. The forest offered some camouflage, but dragons would surely have keen eyesight and keener sense of smell. He couldn't risk discovery.

"Don't breathe, lad," he whispered, holding Jamie by the collar of his tunic. He too held his breath but was soon forced to abandon the advice.

When the last of them passed over, he sank to the ground, allowing his rapid gasps to burst from his chest. "We're safe. For now."

"I never wanted to believe you." Jamie's voice trembled. "Now that I've seen them..." For the lad, this sighting made their mission very real. Jamie wanted an adventure and now realized he had gotten more than he bargained for.

"Mikkin, where...where are they going?" The fear in Jamie's question was palpable. He looked up, tracing his gaze along the traveled path. The dragons passed them heading in the direction he and Jamie had come, a route that would take them out of the mountains and into Dragonwall's northern territories.

"Hunting, most likely. Nothin' to worry yourself over." His lie was unconvincing. The apprehension showed in his posture, in his scowl, and in his shaking hands, as he recalled the flames hot enough to melt metal. Anguished cries still echoed in his ears. His heart withered with failure and wept for his family. Vengeance was all he had left. It was powerful, driving him onward, lending him strength. Any weaker and he would have already found a way to depart this world.

"When you say hunting,"—Jamie dropped his voice to a whisper even though the threat had passed—"do you mean hunting game or hunting humans?"

"Let's hope the former." He shut his eyes, trying to see the backs of his lids. Instead, flames danced. He could feel the heat of them; he could feel their destruction.

"We must warn them! My father..." Jamie sank to his knees. "I should have never come. Gods! What have I done?"

He gazed at the lad for several moments before speaking. "If the dragons target your village, Landow is finished. You're safer with me." He thought of Belnesse, of the bell that never tolled, of his friend Renard, fighting to reach it and sound the alarm before being swallowed up whole.

"Your words make me sick," Jamie hissed, turning to retch what little his stomach had to give.

"Tynen is smart. He will protect your mother."

"Can we not warn them, Mikkin? Is there no way?" The lad wiped his mouth on his sleeve, crinkling his nose in disgust.

"Dragons have wings. So, no."

"Don't remind me of what they have." Jamie scooted away from his mess and put his head in his hands.

Nothing he could say would help. He leaned his head against the pine's trunk, closing his eyes to think. One thing was certain. He was going in the correct direction.

When Jamie next spoke, he sounded a little more like himself. "What do we do now?"

"When you're ready, pack our things. We will continue north-west in the direction from whence they came."

They walked for several hours until the sun was high in the sky. He used his bow to shoot some fowl from the trees, which he tied to his pack for later. It was a strenuous trek working their way towards higher ground. He wanted a good view of the mountain peaks, and perhaps a better view of the dragons' return.

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