Chapter 24 - Inside The Keep

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Kastali Dun

Desaree inhaled deeply and her stomach growled. In the morning, the Great Keep's cookery smelled of freshly baked spiced bread. She crept over to the countertop beside one of the many massive brick ovens. Several loaves were already sliced. They sat steaming, taunting her with a heavenly scent of apples and cinnamon. She snuck a few slices, buttering them before anyone noticed. She bit into one and groaned as a tiny chunk of apple burst on her tongue.

"Desaree!" She jumped at the sound of Tess's voice. "There you are."

Tess was head lady. She managed all the servants and could most often be found within the cookery. Most importantly though, Tess was like a mother to her.

"Come now, m'dear! Do not keep me waiting." She waved her famous wooden spoon. Desaree rushed to her side. One never ought to keep the head lady waiting, nor get on her bad side, or else suffer the consequences. And although Tess was a kindly woman, her wrath was unpleasant.

Desaree once got assigned to pit toilets for a month after showing up late to her duties. She'd accidentally slept in one morning. After that, she was never late again.

The cookery was bustling. Trays were being assembled and loaded with the contents of the morning's breakfast. Porridge, spiced bread, butter, cheese, apples, and pots of honey. The keep's more prominent nobles often took their morning meal within the privacy of their chambers. Those nobles of lower birth generally could not afford such lavish indulgences, so they took their meals in the dining hall. As of recently, however, given the state of things, many were willing to pay the price for the privacy of their accommodations.

News spread through the capital like dragon fire—Lord Cyrus was dead. Rumors had taken form in a ridiculous manner, as they often did when few knew the truth. Many speculated about Cyrus, his death, and about the mystery girl who had come to Dragonwall with the king's own Shields. None fueled these fires more than the servants. Her kind overheard plenty of gossip while they attended to their duties.

Preparations for the impending funeral were in full swing. Food stores were under intense scrutiny as every apple, potato, and carrot was inventoried. Candle sticks were taken from storage, dusted of their cobwebs, and polished to their full brilliance. Guest rooms were to be readied today and tomorrow in anticipation of visitors who traveled from afar. Many wished to pay their respects. The servants would be busy for days to come.

Desaree's morning duties included breakfast deliveries to the grand apartments throughout the keep. She had a long list of other duties too, but she liked this one the best. It was easy, a lot of walking to be sure, but she enjoyed that.

As she nibbled on her bread, Tess yammered off the names of those she would serve this morning, which were written upon a list. "The Boyce's, Sir Roly Daven, Lady Tania, Commander Daxton, and Lady Caterina."

Desaree chomped on her tongue, giving a little squeal of pain. "Not Lady Caterina," she said. "Please, Tess."

"You heard me correctly."

Lady Caterina was Desaree's least favorite person in the entire keep. In fact, Caterina was her least favorite person in the entire capital, or even the whole of Dragonwall. She despised her. To the rest of the world, Caterina was an angel, but Desaree saw right through it.

"Tess," she pleaded. "You know how she treats me. Why can she not send her handmaiden instead?"

"Desaree, have we not been over this already, child? You cannot get out of your duty each and every time." Tess paused to sigh. "Were it any other day, I would send someone else. Everyone is busy." Then she leaned closer and added as more of a whisper, "None of the other servants like her either. Just do your best."

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