Chapter 51 - Council Meetings

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Kastali Dun

Talon resisted the urge to shift in his chair. This was the third council meeting since Claire's trial. It was proceeding as poorly as the first two. Was it a surprise? Hardly. He came to understand the usefulness of council meetings remarkably early in his rule. The more difficult the problem, the less helpful his advisers became.

Their first meeting had occurred the day following Claire's trial. It revolved around Kane and the shock of betrayal from high ranking members of society. During that gathering, his lower council had wasted significant time expressing outrage towards Stefan Rosen and Euen Doyle.

"I always knew something was off about those two," was amongst the common claims spoken. As if they could have known any better than he! With his keen dragon senses, the lies and deceit of a human were easily recognizable. They came in the form of elevated heartbeat, the scent of worry, shifting eyes, fidgeting, and perspiration. No, he was not so easily fooled. But these were Nasks, controlled by a sorcerer. That made them very difficult to read—he understood that now.

The second meeting had centered largely around the threat of wild dragons. It took nearly a week for his members to overcome the initial shock of Kane. Only then did they take seriously the threat of dragons. That meeting had faired no better.

Now to his dismay, this one fixated entirely on Claire, on the mass of complaints mounting against her. Just thinking of her left him uncomfortable. He would have preferred any discussion to this one. As usual, he was forced to sit still and listen to their ceaseless bickering. Oftentimes he found it easier to let them at each other's throats before intervening. Out of sheer boredom, the tactic usually offered some measure of entertainment. But for the first time, his patience was wearing thin.

To occupy his hands, he fiddled with a coin, which he now slipped back into his pocket. It was a gold dragon, the first ever minted, and a gift from his father. He had coins aplenty, but this one would never be spent. Turning his attention to the lords, he focused on their discussion.

Lord Layton Raffe was speaking adamantly, sputtering and spitting with anger. He lifted his gaze to the red-faced man before scowling at Lord Raffe's words. "How can we trust an outsider within our walls?" Lord Raffe demanded of Lord Charles Karney. "How, I ask you?"

Lord Charles Karney bore an expression of distaste. These two never got along.

"My thoughts exactly!" Lord Ashton Wyndham interrupted. "How do we know she is not in league with Kane himself?"

Before either of the two lords could respond, Lord Erwin Glover put forth his own opinion. "I say we send her back."

He ground his teeth together. "We cannot send her back, Lord Glover." Silence immediately followed. "As I have already said, Claire is to remain within the keep." He sat forward a measure to glare at the man before turning to the remainder of the lords. "Outsider she may be, but she is under a death threat from Kane. Moreover, she possesses information that should not wander freely. She stays."

"But the verdict," Lord Wyndham cried, rising from his seat. "The verdict was death. If information is our worry, let us carry through with our initial decision! Call for her head!"

Gods above! How moronic. Was he to remind them every few minutes? "Lord Wyndham, please do keep up. That decision is null." He fixed his gaze upon the squat little man. "Before we discovered the Unbreakable Promise, your argument held merit. With the Promise, we have already agreed. Claire was acting under unusual circumstances."

Lord Wyndham sat down in a huff.

"What if she lies?" Lord Glover said.

"She does not lie," he growled.

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