Chapter 8

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Pulling on his coat Gavril leaned forward to get a better look of his physique in the vanity mirror. His green eyes frowned when they saw the smudge of red on the collar of his shirt.

"Ana, I thought I told you to not leave marks?" He straightened, turning to face the exotic beauty who still laid draped across the bed. Her eyes still half cast from their love making narrowed.

"Are you scolding me?" She sniffed, raising herself giving view to her bared chest, and flat stomach. "You act as if you have a wife to return to."

Gavril slowly shook his head, "You know the rules." Pulling out his wallet, he coldly pulled out money, and let it fall on the table. "This will be our last night."

"What?!" She stood, grabbing her sheer bedroom robe. Her brown eyes narrowed, "You can't just end it."

Gavril didn't bother to face her as he gather his coat, pulling it along his powerful shoulders. "I can, and have."

He went towards the door to leave, but she rushed in front of him blocking his way out. Which mentally he laughed at, considering he was 6'4 of pure muscle and trained reflexes. "Ana, stop this."

"No." She glared at him, lowering her arms. "You can't end things with me, I allowed you into my bed. I'm the one who ends the relationship." She threw her long dark main back, "I'm Guispes daughter, you wouldn't dare treat me so poorly."

Gavril who'd long gotten impatient with the women in front of him, leaned forward. She'd been fun sure, but as things had went on she had become more and more demanding of his time, and his job didn't allow for it.

He laid his hands on her shoulders, making sure his green-eyes stared hard into hers. "I. Fear. No. One." Straightening, he walked passed her as he left the apartment and walked into the hallway he heard a loud scream followed by something crashing.

He hadn't thought anything of his affair with the women, and he'd expected her to move on to some other idiot male. But apparently mafia woman were different, his sister had told him to stop messing with the women from the darker side of their work but, what could he say there was something about criminal women that drew him. The danger perhaps?

Still, the issue remained that he was being dragged into the alley by a few humans, who were eager to get rid him. Judging by the amount of times they'd slammed the end of police bat into his head.

Falling to the ground, he grunted as they started kicking and beating him with boards. The gravel scraped against this cheek, as they dragged him deeper into the Alley.

"We better get this done fast, don't want the Boss knowing we're doing this job for his daughter." One of them spoke his voice heavy, Gavril would have told him he was wasting his time, but another swing of the silver bat against the back of his skull quieted his tongue.

They tossed him into a pile of boxes and crates. He looked at them through a swollen eye, his chest rattled at every breathe he took in. A few broken ribs, and maybe even a pierced lung. Gavril winced when he saw the flash of silver in the light.

"Heh, don't worry It'll be quick," the holder of the knife chuckled, "Somewhat."

Gavril braced himself to be carved up, only to hear a women's voice. "Hey!"

He winced this situation was getting bigger and bigger, he'd hoped they'd "murder" him and go on their way but he could see it wasn't going to happen. Plus, the women added would make this more complicated if she got caught up. He couldn't save her with how badly he'd let the so-called hit-man beat him. Well... he couldn't save her without revealing himself.

He was still contemplating his choices when the one holding the knife let out piercing scream, after something slammed into him. Gavril who was still laying on the pile of garbage couldn't see what was happening.

He heard something crack and another person screamed, before said person landed next to him. He stared into wide eyes that were wavering, but the supposed killer seemed unable to move. Gavril winced when he felt his muscles mending, and he was fast losing energy while his consciousness was dimming.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Soft hand touched his face, and found himself staring into soft-brown eyes, that were darker from worry.

"Hey, can you hear me?" The person leaned forward, the restlessness that normally Gavril felt in his entire body stilled. The need to hunt silenced and all he could focus on was the sound of the person's voice. "Oh no, oh god!"

The shout of panic was the last thing he heard before he passed out.


With suddenness that was shocking, Gavril jerked up his eyes wide. He breathed deeply his eyes taking in the entire room with one sweep of green-eyes. His body was tensed and ready to attack, as his hands went to his side. He paused when he realized he didn't have a sword by his side.

"Well, sleeping beauty has awoken."

A sarcastic voice spoke from the door way, Gavril jerked his head towards the door and frowned. His bother stood there, a mocking look on his face. They shared a similar physique as well as green eyes an Anatolie trait. But where he'd inherited the blonde locks definitive of the leader of their people. Anghel was black haired, and had darker looks.

Jerking the blanket off, once he realized his was in his house and in his room. Gavril stood, "How did I get here?"

Anghel walked deeper in the room, taking a seat on the bed. "You were dropped at the hospital by some kind stranger, and one our people who worked there and recognized you right away and called for me." He tilted his head, "Who was it this time? Grace, Jessica or Ana?"

Gavril opened his closet and started pulling out clothes, "Why do you think it's a women?"

Anghle scoffed, "Brother, Do you think me stupid? It's always women with you. You know D'or is going to lecture you."

Frowning, Gavril complained, "She does know I'm the older sibling in this family?"

Shrugging Anghle, stood "And if she did?"

"Your right, she would still be the same the annoying brat."

"Who's an annoying brat?"

Anghle and Gavril tensed, Gavril sent Anghle an annoyed look, only to have Anghle respond by sending him an apologetic look before escaping.

D'or was born after Gavril and Anglhe, but at 5'6 and two piercings and three tattoos later she thought she was their mother. She'd dyed her hair so many times, this time she'd adopted the grey fashion. Her brown-green eyes narrowed on Gavril, "Did you call me that?!"

Gavril groaned, "It wasn't that. Anghle was complaining about my wo—."

"Oh, right!" She cut him off, her eyes narrowed, "Did you get attacked by another jealous lover?"

"Oh, not you too." He groaned and turned back to the closet, "It's not like I lie to these women, they just can't move on."

"And you know why." She gave his body a once over, which made him shift in an uncomfortable silence. "So stop wasting you're hunting skills on women, and do your actually job."

She turned around making her exit, but she paused in the doorway, "There have been sightings of Lycans near central park, the dean is calling us to the company."

The humor of the morning vanished, and Gavril felt his face harden and eyes brighten. "Got it, I'll be down in fifteen."

She nodded and continued on her way downstairs.

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