Chapter 22

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Author:Yay, here it is...hope it's good and you enjoy it, thought with the limited amount of comments I've no idea, anyway ENJOY!!

Walking up the front of my shop, I opened the door and entering I flip the switch turning the light on. Blinking at the brightness, I was pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness of the shop, I'd assumed that they would have stolen and left everything hanging on for dear life.

But I was wrong...hmph, I couldn't even judge my co-workers well, walking over to the counter I tossed my purse on top of it. As I was walked around it, and walking over to the old picture I pushed it back and with the crack and squeak the wall moved.

The back room came into view, it was a well size room after Gaius had showed it to me I'd forced him to help me clean it, and clear it out. Now it was used by the staff as break room, yet I urged them to use it only for when there were no customers, and there was another entrance to it.

A lot of them felt it was like their little secret, so some had brought a desk and actually they would hang back here to do homework and such. Trying to apparently come up to scratch on school papers and such.

Plopping down on the couch, I stretched out enjoying to quiet solace. I'd needed the walk to the subway, then the rush here had invigorated me. Letting my mind drift, I closed my eyes hoping I'd catch some rest.


Jerking up, I stared in surprise at the door straightening I stared at the door apprehensive of who could be banging on the door. "LESLY!!"

I stiffened, I recognized that voice and I knew nothing good would come from me answering the door.

"I know you're in there!! Lesly, please!! I just need to know you're alright, please."

He was begging now, my fingers curled into the fabric of the couch, as I bit my lip, weary of letting him in. Yet, as he continued to bang and call my false name, something in me decided he should at least see that I was alive.

Standing, I walked out the secret room and pulling on the photo the wall creaked once again as it moved back into place. Smoothing a hand over my short hair, that was curling at the edges. I walked over to the door, my shoes not making a sound.

Wrapping my fingers around the door knob, I muttered a quick epithet before yanking the door open, "Okay," His hand was still raised as her stared down at me, "You'll disturb the other people," I looked around at the apartments that stood high above and around my shop. Turning my eyes back to him I asked, "What did you want?" I licked my lips, feeling nervous.

"You..." He took a step towards me, his eyes searching my face. I stepped back, Galvin was large, and despite my urge to be near him. I ignored it, scared of what he wanted with me. Suddenly he moved forward, his hands grabbing my arms tightly, "Are you alright?!" He seemed frantic as he searched my face, his own face was pale, "What happened back there? Who are those people who took you?"

He demanded answers with his harshly spoke questions, and grip on my arms. I tried to stop him, by lifting, my right hand on his left gently. "I-I'm fine, your-your holding to tight, it hurts."

Hearing this he quickly released my arms, and pulled a frustrated hand through his hair, that was already messy. I took the chance, when he turned his back to me to calm himself, to observe him. He was still in his suit, I glanced at the clock.

Still looking at the clock I asked, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"What?" He whipped around and stared at me blankly.

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