Chapter 15

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Author: After so much time, I finally sat down and wrote this new chapter. Hope you all enjoy it.

 Staring at the last center arrangement, I rubbed my sandy eyes looking over at the clock it was 9am. Thirteen hours later, groaning I looked over at my crew who'd each passed out on top of tables, a chair and Tibault appeared to be drowning in the magnolias.

Honestly soon after they'd knocked out at 3 am I'd made it my life goal to rush and finish. Until the others showed up at 6am to finish the ten I'd purposely not done.

Walking around the counter I removed my apron and walked up stairs to my office, I could let the others sleep a little longer. Going to the little fridge in the corner, I pulled out a blood pack. Rolling my neck, I winced as they protested walking over to my seat. I pulled the straw off and pierced the whole eager to get something to eat.

Taking a deep drink, I winced. The taste was so bitter. Suddenly a wave of nausea rolled over me, bending over I spat it out into the basket. Only to freeze when I saw a women standing in front of me.

Her eyes were red, and her grown was white as was her skin, with blue veins bulging. I jerked back in fright, she rocked something covered in a white cloth, it had splatters of the blood on it.

"How much longer are you going to hide?"

I shook my head, too horrified to speak. A sharp pain cut across my head, forcing me to grip both sides. Moaning at the pain, I tried to shake it away.

"He's waiting," her voice was soft, but it fired off shot guns of pain in my head, "HURRY, HURRY! WE MUST RETURN, WE MUST!!"

I screamed, only to feel some one grabbed my hand. "Lesly!"

Jerking my eyes away from the horrible sight of the women in the white dress, I found myself staring into the familiar brown of Tibaults eyes. He looked down at me in worry, I could feel the tears leaving my eyes.

The pain slowly abated, I hadn't realized I'd stopped breathing. Letting in air, I pulled away from him. "I-I'm sorry," Wiping the tears away I attempted to regain some composure. "Did I wake you?"

"No, Linda's phone did." He watched me in concern, "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded, grabbing the pill bottle out of the tops drawer of my desk, "Yeah," I sniffled, "Just a head ache."

He watched me for a moment, I figured h'de realized I wasn't going to explain screaming like a maniac.

"Is there something you needed?" I asked, eager to get rid of him.

He blinked, a thought dawning in his eyes, "Oh yeah they want to know if they can all go home and shower and such, and come back to open?"

I glanced at the clock, it was nine-thirty, "Sure, tell them to get some breakfast in too we'll open for the lunch rush in the café and we'll re-organize the flower area."

Smiling, Tibauly ran back downstairs and out sight.

With a sigh, I let my head thud against the desk. I had to get control of these headaches. I definitely would be taking tomorrow off after tonight's delivery.


Cardinal glared into the misty insides of the glowing sphere. The crystal ball sat now silent, nothing like it had been previously whirling with black and red. Now it was still, their attempt at finding the hive through magic once again thwarted.

He sat at his desk, his eyes focused on the cooling orb.

He needed her to be found, his hive. The beautiful bounty, and tool that had freely given herself to him.

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