Chapter 17

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Author: Been a a real minute, but I figured since I had the time with only really focusing on other stories I could update my well....ignored stories before I do the ones that were voted on for Friday...this does not mean I'm not busy...just that I'm free for this moment haha.


On the wall a cat shaped clock ticked by, every second went by excruciatingly slow. My chest slowly lifted and lowered at every labored breath I took. My fingers fiddled with the ends of my long sleeved cardigan.


Clearing her throat, Dr. Sorin tried to re-gain my attention. "Well, Bonnie." She paused moving the papers on her clip board, "Your mother tells me you're still having the dreams."

My fingers paused the string I'd pulled loose from the fraying edges dangled.

"I might be."

I'd given up being direct in my answers, four months ago. Dr. Sorin had eagerly given me pills to wash away the night mares. Despite my initial mention that despite the screams I let out while dreaming, there was a part, a singular part that I enjoyed about my dreams.

She crossed her legs, I was surprised by her admittedly good taste in shoe wear. It wasn't often a psychiatrist dressed like a diva.

"Your mother tells me you haven't been taking the drugs I provided. Why is that?"

I frowned, "They make my head heavy."

She tsked, "If you don't take the administered drugs Bonnie, you will have a harder time to recover from the loss of your sister."

"If I take them, I can't see her anymore." I retorted.

As usual a look of pity crossed her face, before she quickly concealed it behind her mask of kindness. "Bonnie, your sister passed away two years ago, and it's time to find closure."

"Don't say that." I snapped, my fingers digging into the leather couch. I narrowed my eyes on her, "My sister isn't dead."

I glanced at the clock, seeing it was now four I eagerly stood. "And none of your pyscho blather will convince me otherwise."

Swiftly, I walked over to the door ignoring her as she called my name. Pulling it open, I met my mother's worried face. I paused in my rash thoughts, and lowered my eyes. Contrite I continued my way passed her.


She called after me, but I ignored her and headed for our red truck that sat outside parked in front of the barber shop next door.

I pretended not to notice the pain, and tired appearance my mother now wore. I'd told her that she didn't have to worry about me. She was the one who'd signed me up for these sessions on her own.

I was fine.

At least I wasn't flunking in school, or going out on wild rides. I may not believe my older sister is dead, but I wasn't a lose canon and despite the ongoing nightmares I'd held myself together so far...


"Mom's seriously worried about you."

I looked up from my English homework, and frowned at my older sister. Well technically Leia was the middle daughter, but...

She had her no nonsense look on, and her arms crossed. Leia and Serin looked a lot alike with their darker complexion and height. Leia had been a year younger than Serin, so she'd been at little more able to deal with our sisters lost, as well as carry the load in the aftermath.

Lamia Blood 2 BWWM ( Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu