Chapter Twenty-six

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Author: Enjoy!

"Serin, will know soon."

Gaius said turning his unsure gaze towards Cleo, "He's going to reveal, especially with her memories back."

"Oh, calm down Gaius. There is no way he can get past her barriers." Cleo said from where she sat on the kitchen counter, "Plus Anaea and Felix are on their way now."

Gaius shook his head, "I can feel her barriers weakening, and with her family in his hands she'll easily serve herself up on the platter."

"Gaius, you need to calm down." Cleo hopping down, "As long as we just wait for your parent's everything will work out."

"But what if something happens to her family?"

"Do you really think Adam, will let anything happen to her people?"'

Clea asked with disbelief, "He's damn near in love with her."

Gaius blinked, "What?"

Cleo rolled her eyes at his reaction, "We just need to keep her focused on...Living, maybe if she'd so focused on living now, she won't do anything crazy."


They turned when the door opened, Serin entered she blinked at the sight of them both standing in kitchen. "...What's going on here?" she asked giving them both curious looks, "Your both not plotting anything, are you?"

"If by plotting you're talking about our discussion about what happened at the shop," Cleo said, she smirked, "Than, yes we're plotting."

She leane her hip against the counter, "So...What's the deal, have we been caught for murder, ah!"

Serin rolled her eyes at that, and tossed her keys into a bowl as she walked over to fridge. "No, appears there are other, beings, out there I didn't know about. Apparently, there are lycans with a vendetta against my store. And...the guy Gavril, isn't human."

"Seriously!" Cleo said on a whistle, "So...what is he?"

Serin paused glancing over her shoulder, "You know...I don't know."

"You don't know?" Gaius repeated blankly, he and Cleo shared a look. He cleared his throat, "Well, do you know why he'd so focused on you?"

"Nope," Serin said pulling out a caprisun with blood and a rolled bologna, "I actually thought for once I'd let whatever it is settle. But then some reporter came in talking about how his family is filled with murderers."

"Yeah, that sounds like something you should, um, care about." Cleo said both of them looking at Serin strangely, "Are you okay?"

Serin shrugged again taking a bite out of the rolled piece of meat, "Awesome, I mean...I've been dupe and married some psycho, I'm the walking dead and the one guy who interested in me, well he's complicated, probably more." She muttered, sighing she took a drink of some blood, "Yeah, I'm holding on."

Giving a shake of the head, she headed upstairs. Serin wasn't holding on, she was drowning but they didn't need to know that.


When Gavril returned to flower shop but he was told Lesley wasn't in, and for this instance he'd believe those there. Even as she waited outside he knew she wasn't going to come.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away?"

He jerked his head up, only to meet the metallic eyes that belonged to the male of the party.

"Was I supposed to listen that warning. Leech," He said sneering.

The male scoffed, shoving his hands in his pocket. To the public, he appeared a handsome male, with nothing more noticeable than his messenger bag. But Gavril knew better, the male in front of him was vampire.

He only looked innocent, but the way his eyes coldly raked Gavril's face and sharpness that liad there revealed him to be the animal he was.

"She doesn't need you in her life," he snapped, his eyes narrowed on Gavril, "You've already caused enough problems, leave her alone."

"Oh, I'm sure being in the hands of vampire's make's her life simpler."

"You don't know what the fuck your talking about." In a blink of an eye, the vampire was on him grabbing his collar and jerking him close. "Stay away from her! She's dealt with enough shit, she doesn't another dick sniffing around her, claiming to want to "save" her." He growled, flashing his teeth.


Both of them jerked their gaze to Lesly/Serin who stared them in mild shock. "What are you doing? Let him go, now!"

Gaius muttered a curse before releasing Gavril collar, and moved back. Lifting his hands he turned away from Gavril and looked at Serin, "I wasn't going to hurt him, Lesly."

She shot him an annoyed look, before turning her attention towards Gavril, "I thought I made it clear we shouldn't meet?"

"Well I didn't agree to it," Gavril rebutted, his eyes narrowed on hers. "I won't leave in the hands of these leeches."

She shook her head, "You didn't listen then," before she met his gaze, "These leeches! Are my family, they saved me and took me in." she walked towards him, stopping an arm's length away from him, "I would never betray them...or leave them."

She turned to walk away, but Gavril reached grabbing her arms jerking her back to his side. His other hand coming to her cheek, "I don't know what they've done to you but I will release you, I can be your family Lesly."

His magnetism was strong, his words pulled at her just as surely as his hands. "...I would be the one to give you anything to you. Just come to me, I'll protect you."

She searched his gaze, "Protect her?"

She would have laughed, she didn't need protecting, she needed someone to kill her.

Last night she'd thought all about it, if she was taken out of equation, if she'd died that night Raquim bit her everyone's lives would be happier.

Her foolish heart had convinced her that Ryan was the one, and he wasn't. Now her heart was telling Gavril was the right one and she didn't want him to be.

Reaching up, she grabbed his wrist and jerked down stepping away from him. "You don't me, or what my life is like. Stay away from me Gavril."

With that she turned and walked back into the shop. Gaius quickly followed her inside.

Gavril glared after them before turning and smashing his fist into his car window with a growl. 

Lamia Blood 2 BWWM ( Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora