Chapter 6!- Temper Management

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I was still trying to recover from the bathroom accident. I was staring into space and not listening or paying attention to a single thing. Omg! What has Luke been doing to me these few days! I haven’t paid any attention to my grades which were always my first priority. The day ended pretty quickly and I headed for my car. Luke had football practice today so there was no reason to interrupt him and his “stake out” for cheerleaders. I stuck my key in the ignition and was backing up when all of a sudden this black Lamborghini comes speeding through and crashed into the back of my car. I literally had a heart attack I was fine but my car!!! My baby! It was completely trashed. I climbed out the car and slammed the door as hard as I could. The driver of the Lamborghini rushed out of his car also and he had a livid face but he hit my car! He was 6’0 and black hair hanging off his eyes and the most piercing green eyes I ever saw before. Even Luke’s eyes couldn’t compare to these. I must say he was smoking! But I was high off of my anger that for the moment that didn’t matter.

“You idiot! Are u mental! Who the fuck does a 70 on a 25mph. Do you see my car! You scratched it. My car! It’s ruined and you are going to pay. I don’t care if you get thrown in jail, I will take every single penny of yours till you get this fixed. Am I crystal!” I screamed. He was terrified of me as he backed away and put his hands up

“I didn’t do anything! You should check your back mirror often. I’m surprised they even gave you a license.” At that moment I was livid, pissed, angry, and mad. You name any hateful emotion and trust me I felt it. My hands formed into fists and before I could even control my anger my hand flew and landed SMACK! On his nose. He stumbled back for a while and finally regained his balance. His hand went straight to his nose which was already broken and gushing blood.  “Look what you did you crazy psychotic bitch! I felt so bad at that moment, it wasn’t necessary to break his nose.

“I’m so sorry! Look what can I do to make it up to you.” I pleaded while looking at his car. His car was just as damaged as mine.

“Go on a date with me.” He groaned. I rushed back into my car and grabbed a towel.

“Here. Put pressure on it.” I explained.

“Thanks.” He mumbled smirking. I don’t know how a guy can still smirk after getting his nose broken but I guess that I will never know.

“One date only!” I exclaimed as I helped him adjust the towel on his throbbing nose. I broke his perfectly sized nose and he didn’t seem to care. I smiled. “I just broke your nose and you don’t care. Why not?” I asked. He looked up at me for a second taking my breath away as his eyes pierced into mine. Dare I must say this guy was almost as hot as Luke! He chuckled first and then answered.

“I’m not superficial, I don’t care about my nose. It will heal eventually. And plus I got to meet a cute and feisty girl.” I blushed at his remark. This guy was sure a charmer.

“So what are you doing here.” I asked as I leaned against my dented car. I frowned looking at the mark but I knew my dad could fix it in seconds.

“I’m new here. Just registered today. Starting tomorrow and I could sure use your assistance around here. I’m Tyler Chambers.” He said sticking out his hand offering me to shake it.”

“Have fun around here. Just so you know they have groups and labels here. I’m Kleah Walker and I don’t fit into any of the groups.” He chuckled as I shook his hand.

“Great. So they have an “emo” group. Finally some people like me.”

“Emos, freaks, populars, you name it.” I stated looking down at the ground.

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