Chapter 8!- Give me a Break!

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I went by my locker once again to fetch my next period class and there was Tyler leaning against it.

“Ugh! Don’t you ever give me a break.” I whined as I pushed him away to put in my lock code.

“Nope,” He replied popping the p “We still have to talk about our date.” How could I forget Tyler wants to go on a date with me. I turned around and tried to avoid it.

“Hey, what about we forget about the car and nose. You know, I won’t charge you for the car if we don’t go on the date.” I said hopefully trying to convince him to drop it.

“No can do sweetheart. Saturday I’ll pick you up.” He told me walking away with a wink.

“Hey!,” I called out “You don’t have my address.”

“Trust me, I have ways of finding out.” He yelled back and with that he left. Well at least the date wasn’t this Friday along with Kevin’s. But what to wear! I needed to beat Tyler at his own game he can’t just make me fall for him cause I like Luke. Who by the way hasn’t even contacted me yet. This is really starting to get annoying because of him we had at least 3 fights in the last week. Since when did my life go from boring Kleah to the drama Kleah. I didn’t ask for this, I just wanted a plain high school year. At this moment the only person I could even lean on was Kevin. KEVIN! I hadn’t seen him all day maybe he’ll be in Science next period. I entered the science lab and there I found him sitting working on a lab experiment. I sneaked my way over there and tried to attract his attention.

“Pstt! Psst!” After a while of hissing like a snake he finally looked in back of him and he looked confused as hell.


“I need to talk to you.”

“Ok, Lunch. Meet me by the school’s gym.” I nodded my head back in approval and he turned around again to work on his project. I sighed and just put on my lab goggles and began working on the hardest experiment I had yet to face. But you know that saying all ends well, well this wasn’t one of those moments. I poured in a little red liquidy thingy that the teacher said but I guess I poured to much of it cause it started to foam. The teacher instructed everyone to evacuate the classroom and to duck. Right when the whole classroom was cleared my little “project” went well KA-BOOM! Every student was covering their ears since it sounded like a bomb going off. I just chuckled, I think I made a new explosion weapon. The teacher came over to me and he was as red as an apple.

“I poured the red liquidy thingy in the container with the other mixtures.” I told him.

“You mean the acid neutralizer?” He asked.

“Yeah I guess whatever it’s called.”

“You know you just blew up 20,00 thousand dollars’ worth of equipment. I just stared at him in disbelief. He was more worried on his equipment then if one of his students actually blew up.

I shook my head in disbelief and just waved my hand around. “My parents will pay for it if your so worried.”

He let out a scold and just laughed. “You think you rich kids could just pay for everything and do whatever you want well let me tell you something one day karma is gonna bite you in the ass.” I slammed my backpack down and stuck one finger at him. As I grew closer he backed away till eventually he was cornered.

“Let me tell you something. GET OVER IT! You were so stuck up on your “lab” then your students. When I want to actually help you call me a stuck up rich kid well guess what you can pay your damn lab damages. Cause I’m not giving you even a damn penny. I went through a lot today so don’t fucken dare to push me. I don’t care that you’re a teacher at this moment and I’m a student because a teacher would never disrespect his student like that. And the way you treated me is the way I’m surely gonna treat you.” I screamed at him and spat in his face. Who the hell was he to call me a rich kid. I never once in this school paid off things. I worked my ass off to get the grades I get. I even got a scholarship which came in the mail last month from Stanford. The teacher at this minute was screaming for me to get over there “right this instant” but I just gave him the middle finger. Hmm my 35th middle finger today. I knew where I was about to go so I went to the principal’s office. Me and Jeff (the principle) are close friends. He knows I never had a problem with any of the teachers before so it would be interesting to see what he has to say on how the science teacher treats his students. The secretary told me he was finally free to talk so I barged inside and sat across from him.

We All Have Secrets.....Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora