Chapter 11- Just like old times

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I gave him a weak smile and grabbed his hand dragging him out of the cave.

“Where are you kidnapping me to?” He laughed as he stumbled over the exit of the cave.

“We Mister are going to my house to hang out. You know since we haven’t in a long long time.” I said as I walked backwards facing him. He smiled and ran after me. We both jumped into our cars and raced to my house and we pushed and shoved each other through the front door.

“You stay down here! I’m gonna go take a shower then you will go in after me.”

“How about we go together?” I gave him my middle finger knowing he didn’t mean it. “I’ll take that as a yes!” He cried as he stood up following me I gave a sharp turn and shoved him.

“I don’t think so!” He laughed and just sat back on the couch surfing through the channels. I ran up the stairs and bolted through my bathroom taking my towel with me. I adjusted the water to my liking and stepped in letting it relax me. Nothing better than a refreshing swim and then a hot bath. After about 5 mins I finally took my towel and wrapped it around my body. I was looking around for my clothes and realized I had forgotten to take them but oh well, Luke’s downstairs so I can rush into my bedroom and get dressed without him seeing me. I opened my bathroom door and headed for my closet when a voice called out

“Hey babe, Miss me?” I jumped 5 feet in the air and turned around to see who it was, Luke was sitting on my bed with his arms behind his head smirking as his eyes checked me out! LUKE WAS CHECKING ME OUT! I blushed but then cleared my throat remember Kleah he cannot know you like him.

“No I didn’t. Now get the hell out if you haven’t realized I’m in my towel and I have to get dressed.” I said sternly as I searched through my drawers to a fresh new pair of underwear and a bra.

“I prefer you stay in your towel you know, makes you 600 times more attractive.” I stopped dead in my tracks did you just say more attractive. So he thought I was attractive. God Kleah! You overanalyze everything. Luke always says this stupid bad boy lines and you know he’s only joking. So then why is it starting to really affect me now. I chuckled to myself maybe I can beat Luke at his own game.

“To bad you’ll never know whats hidden beneath this towel. But if you stick around long enough you may just know.” His eyes widened in shock as a smirk appeared on my face. He was stuttering while I dragged him out of my room once again. I threw on black shorts with a red medium length shirt that said Harvard on it. The shirt showed off my curves perfectly and my tanned flat belly with the dangling belly button piercing. What! Just because I’m  a “Nerd” doesn’t mean I can’t be rebellious at times. I dryed my hair and made a messy bun while adding just a hint lip-gloss. Since I’m at home I do not need make up at all! I puckered my lips and laughed as I opened the door.

“You can get your ass in here now.” I screamed down to Luke who was watching T.V. He turned off the T.V and ran upstairs but bolted to a halt when he saw me. His eyes once again widened and he once again checked me out. I smacked him on the head and pulled him inside. You might think that since I love Luke I’m should be going crazy that he’s checking me out but him checking me out doesn’t mean anything. I know he doesn’t feel the same as I do so it’s not a huge deal. He checks me out like he checks those sluts out. And those sluts are just a toy to him and I refuse to be just a toy and let him use me. I jumped on my bed and just stared at the ceiling let out a huge sigh.

“When did life become so hard.” Luke just let out a little chuckle and laid down right next to me staring up at the ceiling.

“I wish I knew.” I turned my head to look at him and I just melted. How can one guy look so…so…AMAZING? He also turned his head and his never ending blue eyes pierced into my brown/gold eyes. I tried to control my hormones and not leap on him and kiss him like crazy so I bit my tongue till I tasted blood, that’s how bad I wanted to kiss him. I stared at my aqua blue ceiling once and thought about how much my life would change if Luke ever knew I liked him. 1. He would run away freaked out and never talk to me. 2. He would laugh at me and think it was a joke or 3. He would feel the same WHICH WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.  I jumped off my bed and smiled

“I’m going to go get ice-cream, you want?” I asked jumping up and down.

“Yes! But I don’t think you need more sugar.”

“Hey! Never underestimate my amount of sugar.” I gave him a stern look and he started to crack up almost falling off my bed.

“Fine! Fine! But don’t give me mint chocolate chip!”

“Ugh! How can you not love mint chocolate chip? It’s delicious.” I screamed hitting him on the chest.

“It tastes nasty. It’s like eating tooth paste which I assume would be way better tham eating that junk!” I gasped. He did not just insult my minty chocolate chip.

“Your not getting ice-cream now.” I yelled as I walked down the hall.

“Ah! Fine I’m sorry just don’t forbid me of ice-cream!” He cried. I just stuck my middle finger in the air and laughed walking away. By the time I made it to my fridge I was considering of giving Luke ice-cream. You know be the bigger person. I opened my fridge and took out the  minty chocolate chip ice-cream and the regular vanilla ice-cream. I got out 2 crystal balls and in one I placed in mint chocolate chip ice-cream and in the other I placed regular vanilla. I took out the multi-colored sprinkles and only gave myself some. That should teach Luke not to insult my deliciousness. I ran upstairs with the bowls and as soon as Luke saw his, his whole face light up.

“Thank you!” He exclaimed grabbing his ice-cream. I hopped back onto the bed and sat criss crossed across Luke. He looked down at his ice-cream and then he looked at mine.

“Where are my sprinkles?” He asked looking pissed. See Luke has this huge thing for sprinkles. He never get his ice-cream without sprinkles!  

“Downstairs in the lower cabinet.” I gave him my sweetest smile and he just gave me a GRR!

“Why aren’t they on my ice-cream!” He cried stomping his foot like a whiney baby. I laughed looking at his facial expression and just gave him a little shrug.

“Oppies. I guess I forgot.” I said laughing. Luke gave me a little UGH! Or well a huge one for that matter. He finally resumed to eating his sprinkle-less ice-cream.

“So I heard you blew the science lab up.” He stated licking his spoon. Oh how I wish he was licking my----STOP!!!!!!!! KLEAH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!! I finally gave out a forced cough and just chuckled.

“Yeah. Well! It was fun!” I said like a little 5 yr old. How couldn’t it be fun? Blowing up your science lab!

“You also got the teacher fired.” He cried.

“HE INSULTED ME! He started complaining about his damn lab and then when I offered to pay for everything he started going off on how “Us” rich kids get it easy blah blah blah! So I stuck my middle finger at him and the end!” Luke just gave out a low chuckled.

“Ah Kleah. You still didn’t learn how to handle your temper.”

“Ah Douche! You still didn’t learn that I love my temper.” I replied giving him a chocolatelty smile.


Hey! So i know very boring chapter SRRY! But I seriously am getting to the good part!! JUST READ :D 

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