Chapter 22- You Are My Mate

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I know I haven't uploaded in like 2 months and I am SO SORRY!

I just had an uptight schedule

And writers blog!

But 5,000 reads OMFG!

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And last chapter was intense right ;)

Song will be on the right >>>>>>>>>

And so will Kleah's outfit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Enjoy :D

And I do not know when I will have time to post up another chapter

Probably not in a long time :(

Well feel free to comment,vote,fan. and




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Please feel free to do so!

"Your from a whole other world"

----Anne <3 


“Kleah” I heard a familiar voice whisper softly into my ear. My eyes fluttered as I struggled to open them wanting to see Luke’s face. Knowing that if I did I could reassure myself that everything would be fine and there was nothing to worry about.

“Luke…” I managed to get out as I felt something sharp poke my lower lip.

“Hey..I’m here.” Luke said as  I felt one side of the bed become heavier and then I felt his warm hands wrap around my waist. “I’m right here.” After a few minutes of my eyes fluttering I finally managed to open them and Luke was directly in front of me with an absolutely terrified expression on his face.

“Hey….what happened?” I groaned as I got up from the bed making my way over to the mirror. I rubbed my forehead and looked at myself. I almost let out a piercing scream as I saw my eyes. They were……golden. My brown eye color with the little ring of gold on the inside was gone. Now it was completely golden. “Luke! What the fuck happened?” I screamed as I felt something poke my lower lip. I looked at my teeth in the mirror and screamed once more! I had fangs! FANGS!

“Kleah. I know..but you’ll go back to normal in an hour.” Luke said coming up from behind me stroking my hair.

“Is this normal!” I yell as I turn around looking at him. He slowly shook his head and looked down at the ground.

“Oh great!” I exclaimed “So what is my transformation done?” I yell. Luke furrowed his eyebrow and stayed quiet. “Luke!”

“I don’t know…This never happened to any of the werewolves. It isn’t supposed to happen this way. The transformation is supposed to occur at 8pm and you’re supposed to transform into a werewolf for an hour. Kleah…you didn’t.” Luke said sadly.

“ I a werewolf?” I asked.

“I don’t know..the only way to know for sure is to…” Luke stopped midway and shook his head.

“Which way Luke?”

“There’s an old legend that the chosen one’s or the “Gifters” heal extremely quickly if they get injured badly.” Luke stuttered.

“Ok..well go get a knife and cut me!” I yelled heading towards the kitchen.

“Woah! Wait a second!” Luke cried as he came running down the stairs. “What if you’re not a werewolf then… could be hurt badly.”

“Oh for god’s sake it’s not like I’m gonna die!” I exclaimed grabbing a knife from the counter.

“Kleah you could be hurt badly…”

“Blah..blah..blah!” I closed my eyes and groaned as I felt the knife cut open my wrist. I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from crying. Once I opened my eyes I could see the warm blood travel down my wrist and drip on the floor. Luke grabbed a hold of me and placed the knife down grabbing a towel and applying pressure to the cut.

“I cannot believe you did that!” He cried out staring at me.

“Don’t worry!

“Don’t worry? I love you! You cannot just tell me to relax and be calm while my girlfriend cuts herself!”

“Wait…I don’t feel anything anymore.” I mumbled. All of a sudden the piercing pain that made my eyes tear up was gone. There was not a single pinch or pain anymore. Luke stared at me and then carefully took the towel off to examine my wrist. The cut that once was there was gone. It was like my skin just reappeared again and the blood got soaked up. A wide grin spread on Luke’s face as he stared back at the wrist and then at me.

“It’s gone! You’re a werewolf!” He cried out in joy and then grabbed me into a bear hug spinning me around. Once he put me down his lips crashed against mine and I chuckled kissing him back.

“I have to tell you something..” He said quietly “You know how werewolf’s have mates..”

“Yeah” I said. “The Soultarian Society told me before we left..why?”

“Well you’re my mate. And I completely understand if you hate the concept and you don’t picture yourself with me in the future, but I love you and I had to tell you. Oh god now I regre-“ I stopped him mid-sentence and grabbed him by his shirt and kissed him making him shut up. His hands made their way towards my jeans and pulled them forward so we were even closer.

“That is fucken perfect.” I smirked as I kissed him again.

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