Chapter twelve

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"Olive! You're back," I turned with a mouth full of food just in time to feel a body slam into me from behind, a wave of short hair brushing into my eyes. Instantly I felt a wave of relief and joy pulse through me enough that my body felt like liquid gold, warmth pushing into every fibre of my being. But as quickly as I had felt it, it was ripped away from me leaving me cold and confused. "Sorry, sorry! I get a little excited sometimes and it just comes out." Lydia pulled away with a sheepish smile. 

Swallowing my food, I shifted over so she could sit with me and my brothers who both smiled at her easily. Ollie seemed a bit better now, his eyes focused and less red but he was quiet, only really poking at his food and only joining in when necessary or when Eli and I would specifically talk to him. Lydia looked like this new life was agreeing with her; her cheeks had colour to them and the shadows beneath her eyes had begun to slowly disappear. 

"That's okay, I'm sorry I didn't come find you. So much stuff has happened, but how are you doing?" I asked as I continued to shovel food into my mouth. I was hoping that I could beat the General back to the room and get a few extra minutes with Michael. 

"It's been great, everyone here is so nice. Doctor Francine examined me in my own room- I have a private room! With a lock! But yeah, everyone has been great and after dinner, Eli is going to take me up to the training rooms just to stretch. I'd love to help others like you helped me Olive," Lydia spoke so earnestly that it made it hard to swallow my food. 

"That makes me happy Lydia, it takes some getting used to sometimes but you've really taken to this place." I beamed at her as I continued eating. Eli opened his mouth but his expression shifted so dramatically that I tensed up confused.

A hand slammed down beside me causing Lydia to cry out, her hands covering her ears and the entire cafeteria went quiet as Katie stood over me, baring her teeth enraged. "If I ever hear that you point a gun on my brother again Olive, I'll-"

"I'm going to stop you right there," I put my cutlery down loudly not bothering to meet her gaze. I linked my fingers together pressing them against my chin. "You and your brother are not in charge of this place and your moronic brother was about to kill someone that could hold vital information for us. So do me a favour, back the fuck up yeah?"

"You've got some nerve. That fucking thing could be a spy or anything. My brother was just trying to protect us, not that you seem to give a fuck about that." Katie stood tall as she glared at me. "If you step a toe out of line-"

"Katie, what are you doing?" Josh stepped out of nowhere, moving to my side instantly and I felt a shiver ripple up my spine, my entire body shook with unease. I could feel his body heat at my back and I wanted nothing more than to move him out of the way. "Leave her alone."

Katie's entire face flushed, her fists clenched at her side as she stared between Josh and me and I glanced up at her, watching as she came to some sort of a decision. The cafeteria stood still, almost like everyone was waiting to see the climax of whatever this was. Swallowing harshly, Katie tilted her head up and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Ya know, Josh and I have slept together. Before you got here and after," she tried to speak just loud enough for the rest of us to hear but the surrounding tables heard her, sending a wave of whispers. As the whispers spread throughout the cafeteria, all eyes seemed to zero in on me. 

My eyes travelled to Josh who looked as red as Katie's hair and I waited for the pain, the hurt in my chest. When we were in the early days of our relationship, Josh cheated on me at a party. My brothers had heard about it before I had and when they told me, the pain and hurt I had felt like it was going to suffocate me. Josh had wormed his way back into my life, telling me it was a mistake and I had forgiven him. I loved him and I wanted to pain to go away. But now as I stood there waiting for the pain but it never came. 

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