Chapter sixteen

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After the whole field battle, things had returned to normal around the Chambers. Hovers and transporters had moved off towards to the mountains, thanks to the fact we left a lot of tracks and left most of our discarded clothes and broken equipment there. That would keep them off our trail for a while. I'd made a full recovery and there was no 'trial' for the way I had acted in the field. Ryan had told me that he had written a report and the general was okay with everything. I'd seen a lot more of Reece and Ryan, I was always running into one of them or hanging out with them which was fine because I got along with them.

Lydia had gone into lock down for a while in the doctor's lab for a few days just to keep her calm and under wraps. Eventually, when she came to, she was so apologetic that it took me a few hours to tell her it was okay. An honest mistake I had called it, but I'd heard that until she was able to control herself, she wouldn't be allowed out in the field again. Though this made her upset, she understood and didn't want to put anyone in danger.

I hadn't seen Katie or Josh since we got back and I was happy with that. Katie had been nothing but an annoyance to me ever since I had arrived and the less I saw of her, meant the less drama I was faced with every day.

I'd been spending a lot of time with Dr. Miles and he had confirmed what I had feared.

"Based on analysis of your DNA compared to Michael's and a normal human... you are mostly human, but there is a part of you that is Golik. The serum they administered into you when you were little was genetically made to target your Golik DNA. It was as though they had used their blood to kill whatever was killing you, which would explain how come your shoulder was able to heal so quickly. Not realising your father has enhanced your body so far forward... apart from Michael, you could be the more genetically advanced human in our history."

After that, I had wanted to run to Eli and find out how sick I got when I was little. I had no recollection of it and dad hadn't written it in the letter. I couldn't ask Ollie because he was too young to remember. Michael hadn't a clue but when I had told him I was like him, he had only smiled and kissed me saying that it didn't matter to him.

The delta squad hadn't returned yet and it was beginning to worry me. They were only meant to be gone a couple of days but as it closed in on a week, I began to fear the worse. The general had begged me to calm down as there wasn't any reason for me to panic. They would come back when they were ready and they wouldn't jeopardise us. His calm demeanour made me think he was aware of something I wasn't, but I didn't question him.

Looking over my charts, I had worked out that I had gone from the verge of death to becoming some advanced human before being returned to normal. I wanted to be advanced again, I wanted to have super speed, super strength. I guess I just wanted to be super.

Michael did not, however, approve of my methods.

"I am not going to hurt you, Olive," he had spoken sternly as I began stretching on the mats. It was a low-key kind of day, not many people were in the gym apart from Ryan, Ollie and Little Jon as well as a few other stragglers.

"Fine, I'll just hurt you then." I pouted at him and he crossed his arm, "C'mon it won't be bad. Besides this way, I can become a better fighter meaning that you won't need to worry about me."

"Still not happening," he walked across the mats back to the boys. He'd been borrowing Eli's clothes since he didn't have any except the clothes he had worn here, but it didn't bother him so much.

"Wimp." I muttered under my breath and he stopped, slowly turning towards me in confusion. He knew what it meant, both literal term and the mocking term of the word.

"Go on," Ollie cried at him as he tried to hid a smile, "She needs her ego taken down a few notches!"

"Olive I won't fight-"

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