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I breathed heavily through my nose as I stared straight ahead. The pain was surging through every part of my body and I shut my eyes tightly as the next needle punctured my veins and another round of poison raced through my body.

"Tell me where they are hiding!" The king roared angrily and my lips quivered as my body begged me to give up the answer. I bit my tongue hard and I kept my eyes closed as I pictured her eyes, her beautiful green eyes and I listened to her laugh as she stared at me adoringly. I rocked myself in the seat and with all the effort I had in my body, I shook my head ever so slightly. The king bellowed in frustration and besides me I could feel Alfred sighing with relief.

This had been going on for so long I had seen a sun set and a sun rise. It was late in the evening and the sky was darkening once again. The king had brought in specialist after specialist had me beaten, tortured, hypnotised in the efforts to find out where the bases were and every time they failed the king would rage at his subjects.

"Why Michael?" He hissed at me and for the first time, he looked like he was losing control. His hair was out of place and his big blue eyes were bloodshot.

"Isn't it obvious father?" Prince Drax entered the room then followed a nervous Titus. Drax looked more relax now and he even had a smile on his face.

"No it isn't obvious! Why won't he listen to me!" He yelled at his son and Drax didn't even flinch as he walked towards us.

"They are bonded, Michael and the other halfling. If you had read the note she had left-"

"When you had let her get away?" The king snapped at his son again and this time the prince did flinch away from his father. "Give it to me."

Drax gave it to his father and the king quickly skimmed through it. I watched him so carefully, looking for any reactions he had. His face was neutral before a small smile spilled onto his lips making my heart sink.

"Oh dear..." He spoke softly before looking to Alfred, "It would seem that we are to be in-laws! Come, dear boy, give me a hug." He smiled brilliantly at Alfred who walked nervously into his wide embrace. As he pulled away, the king smiled before adding, "Oh, by the way, your son Oliver is dead. Most unfortunate, terribly sorry for your loss."

"W-w-what?" Alfred stepped away and I closed my eyes as pain ripped through me. My mind went to Ollie and I shook my head in disbelief as Alfred fell to the floor and began screaming in pain.

Surely this isn't right, I saw him before I left with Drax... he was alive... I thought frantically but I couldn't remember. All I saw was Olive.

"Yes... Titus, take him to his room. I'm sure he'll need time to mourn the death of his son." Cezar ordered and Titus nodded, picking up Alfred with ease as he trust and kicked his legs out fighting them with little success. His screamed carried on and I could hear him still down the hall until he got into the elevator. "Now... I'll read this out to you and I think afterwards you'll be more willing to tell me where they are hiding." Not likely I thought as Cezar cleared his throat.

"A message to the would-be king, my name is Olive Simpson and as you may know, I am the daughter of Alfred Simpson a doctor at your facilities. I am here to tell you the end is coming, that I will bring a wrath down upon your people and there is nothing you can do to stop me. I will slaughter each and every Golik until your race is all but extinct. But until we meet, if you could tell my father my brother Oliver has passed that would be appreciated.

"A message to Michael, I see now you were nothing but a distraction and I want you to know that whatever I did feel for you is gone. What you did to me, played on my feelings for you is the most inhumane thing you could have ever do and I even though I feel broken now, I will survive this. Know this Michael, I am coming for you and I will not stop until I have ripped your head of your wretched body and a hold it up like a trophy. You are nothing to me and I hope you stay alive long enough for me to kill you. Signed Olive."

My heart stopped dead in it's track as her words sunk in and as if Cezar knew I wouldn't believe him, he showed me the letter. Her messy handwriting proving that it was her words and my heart began to speed up. The heart monitor started going off and the king called for help as doctor's raced in and began checking me over. My eyes rolled back into my head and the last thought that ran through my head was one word:


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