Chapter twenty-one

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I watched with heartache as Olive walked away from me, away from us and ran into the darkness. Beside me in the hover, Prince Drax let out a delighted laugh and ordered for someone to retrieve her little letter. Leaning back against the seat, my chest radiated with pain as her rejection set into effect. Closing my eyes, it took everything I had in my being not to jump out of the hover. I wouldn't even care if I broke both my legs and was on the brink of death. So long as I could tell her that I love her.

"Oh cheer up, it's not like she was the one!" Drax patted my leg and I flinched away from him. This was all his fault, I would be at the twine if it weren't for him.

I shot my final built and for the first time, I was exhausted. I'd search this whole forsaken building for the prince and he wasn't here. I tried to control my breathing but I couldn't. My chest was burning, my legs felt like lead and all I wanted to was to lie down.

"Nothing!" Frankie sneered with rage as she kicked a dead Golik in the head, "They must have cleared out the moment we attacked. Fuck sake..."

"Calm down Frankie we still need to get out of here." Duke ordered and Spencer nodded when the doors to the floor burst open and there he was in all his glory.

"Oh, there you are Michael!" Drax called out and the other's eyes darted towards me curiously as I glared at the prince. "Oh don't be so rude, I am your superior which means you kneel."

It was like something took over me then and suddenly I was fighting to stay standing. My knees collapsed underneath me and I slammed into the floor dropping both my guns on the floor. My mouth stayed, my jaw locked nice and tight and I began to shake as I tried to resist but it was no use.

"Michael!" Spencer called out as he tried to help me up, his arms wrapping around my shoulders as he tried to lift me but I was locked down to the spot. "What's wrong with you?"

"He is obeying his prince," Drax spoke clearly a smile on his lips, "Come over here Michael and give your brother a hug."

"Brother?" Duke muttered as my body by it's own will began to move towards the prince. I tried to explain to them that this wasn't what it looked like, I wasn't loyal to them anymore but I couldn't speak a word. From the prince's smile, I knew this was his doing, his large blue eyes sparkling with mischief. On his left cheek there was a large cut that looked painful and I wondered what had happened, not that I cared much.

As I stood in front of him, I spread my arms out and wrapped them around him as he did the same to me. "Oh you didn't tell your friends that we were related? A more appropriate term would be step brother but family is still family." As he leaned in closer to my ear he whispered, "I met Olive and if you don't come away with me right now, I'll have her killed."

My eyes widened in shock not wanting to believe him and he must have seen that in my eyes because he pulled out a small phone and on the screen was a live streaming video and there knocked out on the ground with a Golik standing over Olive's body. Pain exploded through my head as I watched the Golik crouch down and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. Not having any choice, I stiffly nodded.

"Unless..." He was staring at me and his eyes widened in horror, "No! Her? A halfling?" I refused to answer the question as I kept my eyes down where Olive had been standing. "Answer me!" He ordered and I felt my body shudder to comply.

"Yes." I hissed out and he stared at me in shock before shaking his head. The pressure disappeared as quickly as it had appeared and I breathed out hard. Someone had gotten out of the hover and retrieved the note and handed it straight to the prince who snatched it up, ordering the pilot to head back to Washington. I inched closer to try read it but when I made my move, the prince shoved it into his pocket grinning like a moron.

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