Chapter fourteen

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Slowly making my way down the hall, searching for the others, I heard some coughing from the childcare centre. Eli and Josh had both shown me and I'd been introduced to Donna, but it had been in passing. Hanging at the front of the door was a shower catty with masks within and a sign overhead saying, 'Please take one before entering.' I looked around before grabbing one, hooking them on my ears before ducking inside.

Loads of children were lying on mats in the centre of the room, most hidden beneath blankets as an old static children's film played on a tv. Looking around, I spotted Donna sitting on a chair, wearing a mask and looking like she was about to fall asleep. The room was filled with colour and children's drawings all over the walls, with different labels on just about all the items in the room. In a corner, I could see some of the board games that I had brought were stacked neatly and they looked more worn out than I last saw them. 

Donna's frizzy brown hair looked almost out of control as she ran her fingers through it, shifting as I approached with a wave, "Hey Olive, make sure you wash your hands when you leave. We've got a bit of a bug going around. What can I do for you?" 

"Oh I just heard the coughing and I thought I'd drop in," I shook my head smiling behind the mask, feeling the tingle of the material on my skin. "Did you guys need anything?"

"You're sweet, we've had people coming to check up on us but the kids and I are doing okay. They're just going a little crazy," she answered honestly, "You may want to keep away, it's a real nasty virus. Haven't been this sick in a while actually," she cleared her throat, looking away to wipe her nose. 

"I'll be okay, can't remember the last time I was really sick." I shrugged and Donna raised an eyebrow at me shaking her head, reaching over for a water bottle. "No seriously, the last time I was sick was..." I paused trying to think and there wasn't a memory that came to mind. 

There was a time during a really bad flu epidemic back a few years ago and my entire family had caught it. They had quarantined within our house and I'd been young enough to be so annoyed that I still had to go to school. I had tested negative every single time and watching my brothers drag it out, complaining about aches and pains for weeks after they had tested negative was so frustrating. There was even a time when Ollie was sick when he coughed right in my face and I burst into tears, finding it more disgusting than anything but still... I didn't get sick.

"Well... If there is anything I can do, let me know. I'm off for six weeks so if you need an extra pair of hands let me know." I smiled before turning to the tv, "Perhaps I'll ask around, see if the scouts can find any more movies and board games. I'm sure the kids get tired of watching the same films over and over."

"To be honest, they don't mind it but I'd love to watch something different," Donna chuckled, coughing roughly into her elbow looking apologetic. "Thanks, Olive, I appreciate it." 

Walking around the Chambers and checking the cafeteria, my room and the Tremor's rooms, I eventually found Michael and the others in the training room. Robin who was on a bench watching as Michael throw hands at a bag with Jon resting against it. Ezra squatted beside them both glistening with sweat and even with Jon's size, Michael was packing quite a punch. 

The room was huge, completely matted and in the back corner was a huge weight section which was busy, filled with people working out but their eyes flickering towards Michael every so often. There were even appreciative glances from some of the women who could at the very least appreciate that objectively speaking, Michael was very attractive. 

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