Chapter 2: It's Not A Date I Swear

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After a short bus ride of more awkward silence, we arrived at our destination. It was a small, run-down looking building crammed between two apartment complexes with a tackily painted hanging on the window that said "Jake's Diner." I saw Luke raise his eyebrow and then look at me suspiciously.

"You've gotta be kidding me." He said. "Please tell me this is just a joke and the real place we're eating is a nicer place around the corner."

I shook my head with a sigh. "Appearances aren't always everything, Luke." I scolded. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to judge a book by it's cover?"

"She also told me not to follow strange girls into places that looked like they should be put up for foreclosure due to risk of salmonella."

I cocked my head. "Your mom told you that?"

"My mom gave me a lot of weird advice."

"Just come in." I said, opening the door and walking in.

The logical part of my brain was telling me that I shouldn't be doing this, but there was some part of me that was encouraging me to hang out with him. Tracy said I needed friends, right? And if this went wrong in any way, this would just give me a reason never to interact with anyone ever again.

The inside was a lot better than the outside; decorated with a nice, homey feel and the smell of great home cooking. There were carved wooden tables to sit down at with chairs to match. Inside there was a waitress delivering food to a group of men that were most likely on their break from construction work, judging by their outfits and greasy faces. I smiled in satisfaction when I saw the expression change on Luke's face.


"Told you so." I looked at him. "So, how much time do you have? Do you want the dine-in experience or do you have someplace you need to be?"

Luke looked at me. "Eh, whatever you think is best. I don't care."

"Dine in it is!" I announced, walking up to the hostess at the front of the restaurant. She had long, bleach blond hair and an overly perky grin. I looked down at her name tag, which read 'Tanya'. She spoke in a voice so high and cheery it seemed that every time she spoke, her sentences ended with an exclamation point.

"Hi! Welcome to Jake's Diner! It's great to have you here! Is this your first time?"

I frowned. "I come here every day, Tanya..."

And it was true. I did. I had come here to eat every day since I was a seventh grader. That was the last year I actually attended public school. I had stumbled upon Jake's Diner by accident, and ever since then, it's been part of my ritual to eat there everyday.

"Oh, right! Sorry, Sera!" She looked at Luke, and then back at me. "So I'm assuming a table for you and your friend?"

"Well, not necessarily friends, I would say we're more-"

I silenced him with a glare. "Do you want free food or not, boy?"

That seemed to do the trick."We're best friends. We're pals, chums, buddies!" Luke quickly said. Never underestimate what you can get a teenage boy to do when food is on the line.

"Okay! I'll get you seated right away!" Tanya picked up two menus and then motioned for us to follow her. "Right this way!" She led us to a smaller table in the back with just two seats. Once we settled in and took our seats, she laid down the menus and took out a notebook. "Is there any drinks you would like to start with?"

"I'll have my usual." I said, getting comfortable in my seat.

"Mountain Dew, please." Luke said.

Burning HopeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora