Enders (5)

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Whenever I was stressed, I would exercise. Whenever I was bored, I would exercise. Whenever I had nothing better to do, I would exercise. The exercise room had because a place to escape, at least when I was alone inside there. Sometimes one of my other teammates would join and my alone time would be ruined and I wouldn't be able to train as thoroughly or as much as I would have liked to.

Especially when it was Dex who decided to come inside to work. Because we'd both try to exercise but then that'd just end with us making out and no progress taking place. At least with our exercising.

But now, I was all alone in the exercise room and I was finally able to exercise in peace. I was sweating like crazy as I punched at the punching bag, having that be the last thing I did in my workout. I just loved letting all my anger out with every punch.

Once I was finished, I was slightly relieved. My body began to feel sore, and even though I knew I would heal very quickly, it was still an uncomfortable feeling that I was going to have to deal with for at least a little bit.

With my towel around my shoulders, I exited the exercise room and made my way down the hallway toward my room. I was going to take a nice, long shower and then just relax for the rest of the day, since it was a day off from training and work for our team.

When the front door handle started to jiggle, I jumped in surprised. Who would be trying to come inside? Everyone who was supposed to be able to come inside—and Lena, somehow—were given a key. Had someone forgotten theirs?

I made my way to the door slowly as the handle continued to jiggle. I hesitated for a moment, but then decided to open the door, keeping my guard up the entire time in case I was going to have to attack for whatever reason.

I was hoping it'd be one of my teammates you just forgot their key, though that wasn't something that had ever happened before. But when I opened the door, I was definitely not expecting who I saw on the other side.

"Violet!" Nick grinned, making his way inside without even being invited in. "Long time no see!"

"Nick!" I cried, not expecting him to be here at all. "What're you doing here?"

"So this is the Defensive Affairs Unit, huh?" he asked, ignoring my question as he looked around. I didn't even know what I was supposed to say. "It's pretty badass."

"What the—" a new voice now started, and I turned to see that it was Dex who was now standing there before us. He gave me an accusatory look. "What's he doing here?"

"Hey, don't blame me," I snapped, a little annoyed that he'd expect that I had something to do with this. "I'm just as confused as you are right now."

Last time I checked, Nick hadn't ever heard of the DAU and he had no reason to be here. I doubted that he got recruited, but I guess that that was a possibility. But if that was the case, why was he in VAKAD's building and now his own team's?

"Don't be jealous, Dexy," Nick grinned, and Dex's eyebrows furrowed at the nickname. "It's not like I'm here to steal your girl or anything."

Suddenly, arms were wrapping around my waist and I let out a shout of surprise when I saw that they were Nick's, whose arms were stretched out long enough to wrap around my body twice. He pulled me away from Dex and closer to him and I nearly tripped in the process.

I was now pressed up against Nick's body, and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. We were friends, sure, but we were definitely not close enough for this.

"Hey—" Dex started angrily, taking a step forward to try to rip Nick's arms off me, but he was cut off by Nick stepping away and pulling me even farther away from Dex.

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