You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

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David and his friends put the four girls in different vehicles. He had not really decided what he was going to do yet. But as he was he driving he started to think about it. He decided to take them to his grandfather's old cabin in Winchester, Kentucky. The cabin had been in his family for a hundred years. Charlotte immediately started thinking of ways to try to get out the situation that they had gotten into. David ordered his friends to put the girls in the cabin while he went got some rope. Charlotte, Mary, Nadine, and Delores were sitting on a bed that had a black and red quilt on it when David and his friends came in and David grabbed Delores off the bed and hurried out the door. Charlotte did not know how much time had passed but it seemed like it had been hours. " What do you think is going to happen to us when they come back?" asked Nadine.

 Charlotte was trying not to think about that. About thirty minutes David and his friends came back. Charlotte and the girls noticed that he had blood on his hands. He did not say much to them and he put them back into his car. As they were leaving the property Mary noticed something swinging from a tree branch. She got the other girls attention and pointed it out. When they got closer they noticed it was Delores. Mary started screaming and wailing. Charlotte and Nadine tried to calm her down but they could not console her. David turned around and started yelling threats and obscenities.  The rest of the car ride was a quiet one. When he dropped back off by their dorms he warned not to say anything about had happened. The girls decided to do the opposite and told their parents. Delores and Mary's father and a group of his friends went to Winchester and they found Delores' body. Delores's mother wept for her child. The funeral was not at Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church but at Trinity Baptist Church where Delores and Mary's grandparents attended. Reverend Timothy Ballard  did the funeral service. He was a great speaker and he really loved every person regardless of their skin color. 

He spoke about Delores and what a great piano player she was. He also talked about how much she loved Jesus and how she wanted to be a missionary and how she was studying nursing.  Charlotte left the funeral feeling very heartbroken. For the first time in a long time, she was angry and disappointed with people. She decided to take a walk to clear her head.  She walking down the road when she almost walked into traffic. She heard a young man calling her name. Charlotte looked up and she noticed that it Norton Bodaggit. She had not seen him since she graduated from high school.   He was driving a 1960 red Corvette. "Hop in Charlotte and I will give you a ride to wherever you need to go."   Charlotte got in his car and told him to drop her off at her dorm.  She was pretty quiet during the car ride. Occasionally Norton would ask her a question and she would answer it. When she got back to her dorm she collapsed on her bed and started to sob. She did not get out bed for a few days. Nadine and Mary came to check on her. Even James was worried about her. It took her awhile to get out the funk she was in.  She saw David Fox the Third several times throughout her first year of college. She wanted to go to the police and tell them what happened to Delores but she knew that nothing would happen to David. She hoped that one-day things would change.  On October 3, 1965 David Fox the Third was arrested for the kidnapping of Delores, Nadine, Mary and Charlotte. Also he was arrested for the the murder of Delores. Unfortunately a jury found him not guilty of the kidnappings of the girls and Mary's murder.  Charlotte was upset about the verdict. Before she knew it was almost 1966.

 James seemed to have changed as well. He had become preoccupied with the war in Vietnam.  He decided to go on a date with Charlotte. He decided to have a picnic at a park by Charlotte's house. It was a pretty day with hardly any clouds in the sky.  James took a blanket out of the red, white, and blue bag. While they were eating James decided to tell Charlotte what was on his mind.  "Charlotte there is something I need to tell you."   Charlotte looked at her boyfriend and she wondered what he needed to tell her.  "I have drafted into U.S Army. I leave in two weeks and I will be going to Fort Benning in Georgia."  All of the sudden it felt like all of the oxygen in the air had disappeared.  Charlotte could not believe what James had told her.  She got up from the blanket she was sitting on and she started to walk away.  James got up and started to follow Charlotte. "Come back here Charlotte. "  She continued to walk away until James caught up to her.  "I am going to be coming back. You don't have to worry about that."  Two weeks went by very fast and Charlotte was a little at ease.  Before James left Charlotte met him at the Blue Grass Airport. It was overcast and it was windy. Charlotte and James spent about twenty minutes together before it was time for him to leave. Before James left Charlotte kissed him on the cheek. James looked at her and kissed her on the lips. It felt like time had stopped and that nothing else was going on. "It is time for you to go, James. Don't forget to write."

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