Chapter Twenty-Two

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David's POV- part four
The next several months flew by David and Sharon and before they knew it was October 1966. David decided that he was going to propose to Sharon the week after Halloween. It would be the perfect time because the leaves would be changing colors. He kept the ring in his dresser drawer next to his Bible, he put there because he was afraid that he would lose it before he could give to her. He hoped that Sharon would say yes but in the back of his mind, he had some doubts if she actually would. He thought about it every day until November 3, 1966. On that day he went to work and he was distracted at work. He rang up a lady's order wrong, he accidentally dropped a hammer on his hand and spilled paint on his boss Mr. Friedman.
Mr Friedman usually was a jovial man who always was laughing about something, but this time he wasn't laughing. He had bright blue paint splattered all over his copper rimmed glasses and in his curly black hair. "What is meaning of this David? You have been distracted since you got here." David explained to him what was going on and why he was distracted. Shlomo Friedman listened to what was going on and he laughed after David finished explaining the situation. After they finished talking, he walked into the backroom and changed his shirt and wiped the paint off his glasses. David went back to work and he worked hard until it was time for him to leave at 5. He went home and got the engagement ring before he went over to St. Joseph Hospital. Sharon was supposed to be off work at 6:30 and he thought he would practice on what he was going to say to Sharon. He went to the nurses station and he asked one of the orderlies if Sharon was available. The orderly (whose name was Patrick) told him that she was busy with a patient, but that he would let her know that David was there waiting for her. Around 7 o'clock Sharon walked into the waiting room and David stood up and he walked toward her and hugged her. Sharon didn't say much until they got to Holden's. She started to tell him about her day. David listened
to her until it was time to order their food. David ordered a cheeseburger, vanilla malt with two straws and French fries. Sharon decided to just order a cheeseburger. While they were talking, Sharon mentioned that her parents had told her that David had visited them several weeks before. David told Sharon that it was because he was interested in selling his house and he was interested in seeing if there were any houses in her parents neighborhood for sale. After they were done eating, he drove to her parents' house. Sharon was confused as to what they were doing there. Her parents came outside and they sat on their porch and talked for about an hour. Sharon's parents got up and went into the house after awhile. David cleared his throat and he said " In these last few months, I have come to realize that you are very special person to me and I have enjoyed getting to know you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. " He got down on one knee and he attempted to pull the black ring box out of his left coat pocket. The box wasn't in his left coat pocket, so he looked in his right coat pocket and he couldn't find it in that pocket either. He started patting his jacket until he realized that he had put the box in his inside pocket of his jacket. He took out the black ring box and he asked her an important question." Sharon Esther Bernstein will you marry me?" Sharon hesitated before she answered. " Are you sure you want to marry me? I can be quite a handful" She said with a smile. She told him that she would marry him and they went inside to talk to her parents. The next few weeks, David and Sharon decided that they were going to get married at the Fayette County courthouse on December 16, 1966. Her parents were in attendance, but his parents were vehemently opposed to him marrying someone who was of Jewish heritage, so they didn't attend his wedding. After the wedding, they went to their newly bought home and they consummated their marriage.

David told Charlotte about what had happened to him and she just listened. He also asked him to forgive him for what had done to her and her friends. " It keeps me awake at night and there are nights that I wake up sweating, due to the nightmares. Please say that you will forgive me." Charlotte told that she forgave him, but that he should tell his wife what happened, if he hadn't already told her. David agreed that he would talk to her. After they had finished talking Francine came over and told her that she was ready to go home.

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