Chapter Sixteen

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Charlotte rushed to St. Joseph Hospital . When she got to the hospital, her sisters and her father was already there.  When Charlotte arrived at the hospital, it was noon. At two o'clock, the doctor came into the waiting room. "Mrs. Atkins, is going to be okay, she suffered a mild heart attack. We are going to keep her overnight for observation."  Charlotte sat with her mother for a few hours. When she got up, she started cramping really bad. She thought that it was because of the way she had been sitting. But it got worse. Charlotte walked to the waiting room. James saw his wife and immediately he knew something was wrong. James walked towards her and he was able to catch her as she passed out.  When Charlotte, she noticed that she was in a hospital bed. The doctor told that she had another miscarriage. Charlotte was surprised because she had no idea that she was pregnant. She cried for the child that she would never know. She wondered if she would ever be a mother. A few days later around five o'clock Jack and Sasha came over for dinner and brought Jack Junior and Amelia with them. It had been a few months since Charlotte and James had seen them. Amelia had already started teething. Charlotte asked Jack and Sasha if they wanted anything to drink.  She was hoping to have someone try her lemonade. Jack and Sasha told her that they would like some.
Charlotte went into the kitchen and got the lemonade out of the refrigerator. She used her grandmother's recipe to make the lemonade. Jack and Sasha took a sip and they had a funny look on their face. "Is there something wrong with the lemonade?" She decided to try it and she nearly spit it out. "Oops, I put salt instead of sugar in it." The group of friends had a good laugh. Around nine o'clock the twins were starting to get fussy. Jack decided that it was time to head home. The next day Mrs. Atkins was released from the hospital.  Charlotte went back to work. Little did she know that someone from her past would come back into her life. While she was hanging up some men's suit jackets, she heard a familiar voice behind her. She turned around and looked to see who it was. It was her old boyfriend Robert Cook. She had not seen him in a long time. She had heard that he had gotten married and had a few kids. He looked just liked she remembered him.

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