I Fought The Law

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James's P.O.V

James woke up with sweat pouring down his face. He had been having nightmares on a regular basis. He had to forget what had happened in Vietnam but he couldn't. James tried to move on with his life as best as he could. He got a job at Clark Hardware Store stocking shelves. He thought about Charlotte often and how hurt she was when they broke up.  James had just gotten home from work when heard a knock at the front door. When he went to look and see who it was; he noticed it was his cousin Jack and his girlfriend Sasha. Sasha and Jack had been secretly dating for a few months. Sasha had been working since she had graduated from high school.  James thought about Charlotte often. He remembered the look on her face when she gave him back the ring that he had given her. James tried to move on with his life as best as he knew how. One day while he was working at Clark's Hardware store; Charlotte walked in.

  She was looking at the lumber. James started to walk over to where she was standing when he noticed that she was holding a guy's hand.  He backed away and went back to stocking shelves. 

Charlotte's P.O.V 

I saw him and my heart started beating very fast. I had walked into Clark's Hardware with my new boyfriend Michael Robinson. I had no idea that James worked at the hardware store. It took me awhile to move on. Michael was a great guy who attended the same church as Charlotte. Charlotte continued to do well at school and at the end of May she was back at home for the summer. Her niece Jennifer was getting big. She was already nine months old and she had started to walk. Josie and Bobby decided to come over for the family's annual barbecue. On May thirty-first  Charlotte decided to invite Michael to the barbecue as well.  Her parents seemed to like Michael a lot.  Charlotte's dad Jonathan decided to grill hamburgers, hot dogs, and Charlotte's mother made homemade peach and strawberry ice cream. 

 It was an unusually cool day for May.  Francine had been dating Scott Douglas for a few months. He was a very nice guy and he cared a lot about her. When the food had been eaten Josie and Bobby had an announcement to make.  "Bobby and I are expecting . We are due in six months."  Charlotte was very happy for her sister and she was excited to be an aunt again. A few weeks later Charlotte was walking with Michael near the University of Kentucky campus when she ran into David Fox the Third. He was wearing a short sleeve red flannel shirt and blue jeans. He also smelled like he had taken a bath in a beer barrel.  Charlotte was hoping that he would not notice her and he would leave her alone. But unfortunately, he walked over to where they were standing. Charlotte told her boyfriend to keep on walking but he did not listen to her.  Michael and David started arguing and eventually Michael punched David in the nose. Charlotte started to walk away when Michael started yelling at Charlotte to go and get help. Charlotte started to run and the first she ran into was James. She looked and noticed he was smiling. She had not talked to him in several months and did not know if  he would talk to her. "Please help me, my boyfriend is getting beat up by David Fox and he needs help."

 James looked at Charlotte and for a few seconds he zoned out and did not hear anything she had said to him.  "James did you hear what I said?" asked Charlotte. He looked at her and asked her to repeat herself. After she did that James followed Charlotte to where David and Michael were located. It was about a ten-minute walk across part of the University of Kentucky campus.  The walk was a quiet one and neither of them said hardly anything to each other.  Charlotte looked up ahead and noticed that David was nowhere to be seen and that Michael had some scratches on his face and he was limping.  James turned to face Charlotte and looked at her and said " Well it looks like you don't need me after all. It was nice to see you again. Have a nice day."  I looked at him as he walked away and I realized that I was still in love with him. I had thought if I dated someone else that I would feel better about myself.   A few weeks later Charlotte was at home talking to her mother in the living room when she heard the doorbell ring. Her mother got up to answer the door. A few seconds went by and Michael entered the living room. 

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