Chapter Seventeen

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Robert's POV

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Charlotte. She was beautiful and just how he remembered her.  He usually didn't buy clothing at Taylor's Department Store but it was his wife Laura's birthday and she wanted a new dress.  He didn't like shopping. But his wife had her eye on a sparkly black and white mini dress. Charlotte helped wrap the dress up and put it in a brown box. "I would like to see you again, Charlotte. Maybe we could meet up at where Holden's used to be."  Charlotte thought about it for a second and she made a decision. "That is not a good idea, Robert. I am happy to see you. And it should stay that way. After I left Taylor's, I continued to think about her. I had heard that she had married a white man. I was shocked when I heard that. When I got home, my wife Laura was trying to braid my daughter Hannah's hair. Hannah was squirming in her chair. "Hannah Charlotte Cook! Stop moving around and bend your head back." Hannah bent her head forward instead of bending it back. Robert chuckled and walked to the coat closet and put his wife's present in there A few hours went by and Hannah's sisters Ruth and Martha came home from school. The girls talked enthusiastically about how school was. I was not paying much attention to what they were saying. I just wanted to give Laura her birthday present, so I could go to bed. My wife was the type of person who loved to look nice and she was obsessed with latest trends. My eldest daughter Ruth had decided a few days prior to cook dinner for her mother. She decided to cook pork chops, broccoli with cheese, and peach ice cream. Robert loved the dinner and he ate too much. After dinner the family decided to give out Mrs. Cook's presents.  Ruth decided to go first and she had made a chocolate chip cake with cherry frosting.  And she had bought her a photo album. Martha had gotten her mother a new Bible with her name written in gold on the cover. Hannah had a tough time deciding what to get her mom. After a few days, she decided to get her a Golden Retriever puppy. With her dad's help, she got the puppy in the house without her mother knowing about it. Her mother loved the puppy and decided to name her Jackie after the former first lady. Robert had also gotten Laura a strand of pearls. When everyone thought that the gift giving was over , He got up and walked to coat closet and the package from Taylor's. He handed it to his wife and sat back down on the beige striped couch. Laura ripped opened the box and pulled out the black and white dress. She loved it and she thanked everyone for the gifts. After the kids went to bed, Robert started washing the dishes and Laura went to bed. Even though Robert was happy and he loved his wife and his children; he could not help think about Charlotte and how their
lives might have turned out, if they had gotten married. When he got to bed, his wife was already asleep and the puppy was at the foot of the bed. When Robert woke up, he noticed that his bed was crowded. Martha and Hannah decided to sleep in their parents' bed with them. Robert got out of bed and started making breakfast. Laura came downstairs and noticed Laura was wearing her lavender silk robe that he had gotten her while on their honeymoon in Paris. "Well you're up early today. You usually sleep in on Saturdays".  Laura said.  Robert didn't say anything and went back to cooking sausage and gravy.  Laura knew that her husband was distracted by something. She decided that she would ask at a later time.
Robert and his family sat at the kitchen table and Martha said grace. Her prayers were usually short and to the point.

"Dear God, thank you for the food and my family. And thank you for Jackie. Amen."

Robert smiled and started to eat his food.

My name is Charlotte  (BWWM)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora