You're On Your Period

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"Good morning, (First name)-san." - your boyfriend Kuroko greeted you. But you just glared at him and walked past him.

You went straight to your seat and rested your head on the desk.

"Did I do something wrong?" - Kuroko asked worriedly to your best friend.

"Gah! You just scared the sht out of me. (A/n: am i suppose to say this lol) -sighs deeply- its the time of the month." - she just said but Kuroko just looked at her not knowing what she was talking about.

"Mou! Will you two be quiet!" - you said irritated.

"Doesn't ring a bell? -sighs- She's experiencing, menstruation." - your best friend said straight to the point.

Kuroko looked surprise. He was about to say something but the teacher has arrived.


Its already break time, and without noticing it, Kuroko already went out.(a/n: although u really don't notice him Lol)

"Just buy me anything for lunch. I'm too lazy." - you said, your head on the desk.

"Mou.--" - your best friend was cut off by Kuroko.

"Are these enough? I heard from Riko-senpai that whenever girls experience it, they mostly like to eat sweet foods. Sorry this is all I can buy." - Kuroko said as you look up and he put all the sweet snacks he brought.

Behind the scenes

"A-ano. Excuse me. Is Riko-senpai here?" - Kuroko said.

"Gyah!!" - a guy screamed from surprise.

"Is Riko-senpai here? Please, I'm in a hurry." - he said. Even though the guy was still surprised from Kuroko, he called out Riko.

"What is it Kuroko?" - she asked.

"Well, (First name)-san is experiencing her, 'time of the month'." - Kuroko said as he paused for a bit thinking if he should say it straightforwardly.

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