♱ Chapter 1 ♱

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Alec above or to the side ^>

Alec's P•O•V

Awakening in my bed fit for a king, I could feel the sun beaming down onto my bed. It felt warm against my ice-cold, porcelain skin. The one side of my lips twisted upwards into a crooked smile. Today was a good day.

I opened my eyes and saw my fraternal twin brother, DeMalo, standing there, leaning against my door frame.

"Nice to see you've woken up finally," He chuckled and pushed himself off of the door frame and walked over to me. I looked at him and got out of bed gracefully. I walked over to my wardrobe, opening the Victorian doors to reveal the contents. I took out a white, button-up shirt and some black dress pants.

"You ready for the big city?" He asked as I started buttoning up my shirt.

"What do you think?" I asked cockily and looked over at him.

"I guess I should ask if you're ready to have an American soul mate," He said and I could feel myself tense up for a split second.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I said with a smirk. He pats me on the back before starting to walk to the door.

"The plane leaves at twelve," He said and walked out. I looked over at the clock to see that it was already 11:36. I continued to pull on my dress pants.

You see, I'm technically 21 a week from today. Actually, I was 143, but we vampires have aging periods that get rarer with each time they come. When DeMalo and I were kids, we flew through our aging periods and stopped once we looked 18 and at the time we were 76. Yet, our aging periods were always random. DeMalo's sometimes happened months after mine. Sometimes weeks.

Not one vampire had a prediction of when they would age. All we knew was they were rare once you got older in looks. And once you felt your body start to age, you had 3 months from the day you started aging until your "birthday." And in my case, three months ago, I felt it. I knew this year would be the year I aged. DeMalo would most likely be later.

This aging period was a different one for me though. Every vampire male turning 21 was given the week before their "birthday" to go seek out a female mortal to be their soul mate. It wasn't anything like werewolf mates. Those dogs had it easy; getting an instant mate that is miraculously in love with them the second they smell each other. For me and every other vampire, we had to go find and choose a mate.

But other than the weary feeling I got whenever I thought about becoming an adult vampire, I was ready. I was ready to age and I was ready to find my mate. Besides, I heard American women were absolutely beautiful. I had been stuck in Romania all my life, I had no opportunity to travel.

I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to it, still pretty much unprepared clothing-wise. I barely opened the door before my mom barged through the door.

"Alec Dimitri Gheata. The plane is already prepped and ready for your trip and you're not even ready!" She scolded while tucking my shirt in like she would when I was in the academy. I groaned and pulled my black blazer on while she poked, prodded, and straightened out my clothes.

"Mama," I told her and held her wrist. She was nervous and I could tell. I smiled at her softly, looking down at her seemingly 40-year-old structure. She may have only been a few inches shorter than me, but that was with her 6-inch heels.

"Everything is going to be alright. I promise I'll come back with a proper woman," I said to her in reassurance. She sighed and looked me in the eyes, studied them for a second, and then nodded. She pulled me into a tight embrace.

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