♱Chapter 36♱

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Raven's P•O•V

After a week, everything had seemed to settle down. No one knew where DeMalo was and thankfully he had made no other advances towards Alec and the kingdom. Alone, he was defenseless and trying to come after Alec without his little Witch was suicide.

"Are you alright, Princess?" Alec asked, taking me out of my thoughts. He was turned around in his saddle. Diavol continued to walk through the woods with Lumină and I following him.

"Yeah, just zoned out for a second." I replied with a small smile. Alec smiled and pulled the reins on Diavol, turning him around so he now stood beside Lumină, facing the opposite way.

He held my neck and pulled me in to kiss him. I smiled and when he parted from me, he had that typical smirk planted on his face.

"Hold on." Alec instructed me and I barely had time to give him a confused look before he turned Diavol around quickly and nudged Lumină. Diavol started to run, causing Lumină to follow in suit.

I held on just like he said, although keeping in the saddle was another story.

Soon enough, both horses slowed down and we were in the clearing in which Alec had told me almost a month ago that I would have to be turned. For a second I recalled the memory with a heavy heart of how that had all turned out, but then I smiled and remembered how Alec and I had lied in the sun together on that rock.

It was the perfect time of day where the clearing was engulfed with sunlight and it warmed our skin. I got off of Lumină and held her reins in my hand. Alec came over and tied her to Diavol and let them graze.

"She's really starting to like you." Alec told me, looking at Lumină as she rubbed her neck against Diavol's. I smiled at her.

Suddenly, Alec stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled at him as he spun me around and picked me up bridal style. I held to his neck and let him carry me to the large rock slab. He laid me down gently and then proceeded to lie beside me.

I closed my eyes and let the nature around me be the only noise I heard. Alec breathed in deep and grabbed my hand. I squeezed his hand and sighed.

"Alec?" I said quietly, letting my mind speak. I opened my eyes and looked over to him.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response, his eyes still closed as he lied on his back.

"Do you think he'll ever come back?" I asked, turning on my side, propping my head up with my hand so I could see him.

Alec opened his eyes and looked at me with a subtly shocked expression. He looked back up at the sky and sighed.

"I don't know, Raven..." He paused, "I pray he never does."

By the curious look I gave him, Alec closed his eyes for a moment and breathed in deep.

"If he did come back, I'd be forced to kill him. There's no circumstance where he would come back on good intention. And I can't let him come after you again." Alec explained, staring at me with a saddened expression as he reached out and held my cheek.

I lied back down beside him without saying another word and I came closer to him. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes once again.

It was such a beautiful day and I wanted to cherish this place as a place of calm, not a place of bad discussions. 

The sun felt amazing and the breeze sent a quiet wind throughout the forest. It was so peaceful and serene...

Until, I heard it.

His Mortal Brideحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن