♱Chapter 16♱

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Raven's P•O•V

I felt like counting the seconds of the jet ride back to Romania just so I could keep my mind off the awkward silence and guilt. As soon as we got in the air eight hours ago, my mind was sucked into all the thoughts and questions that filled my brain. Somehow I hadn't gotten a headache yet. I just couldn't help but keep thinking...

Everything I had done, Alec had to go through. Everything I did and said, reflected on to him. As much as I didn't believe it, we were linked by titles.

Alec cleared his throat and I tore my eyes away from the window and looked back at him. He was looking at me.

"Are you alright?" He asked sincerely, his expression showing concern. I felt my heart drop to my stomach when he asked this. I looked down at my hands and sighed.

"Yeah," I sighed. "In the end, I guess I needed that," I told him honestly even though I knew I wasn't quite alright.

"Needed what?" He pressed gently, not trying to force me to answer, but still showing his curiosity.

"I needed closure. A reality check that would tell me nothing would ever go back to normal," I muttered and played with my fingers. I glanced up and could see him looking down at my fingers. He nodded and didn't say anymore.

Soon I could feel the jet tilting as it made its descent. I looked out the window and the clouds faded as we lowered, no longer above them. The castle came into view and I still couldn't help myself but stare in awe. The sight of the castle's entirety made it unable for me to tear my eyes from it. It was so beautiful. The horses could be seen running around in their pasture. I smiled softly at the beauty of it all. I'd never gotten to see the castle this way.

Once we were on the landing pad, I could see the masses of vampires crowding around. I gulped and my smile fell. I knew they were waiting to see if their next king's Soulmate was actually gone. My heart stammered in my chest as I got up and followed Alec to the door. He turned around, obviously able to hear my pulse rising. I met his now ruby eyes and he gave me a pitiful smile. He gripped my hand briefly.

"Don't worry about them. Our kind is just a little too nosy at times," Alec reassured me. I studied his bright red eyes and nodded. He squeezed my hand and let go of it before the jet door opened and we descended down the stairs.

After being greeted by almost every single vampire in the kingdom, I finally got back to my room at 9 p.m. My whole body felt weak as exhaustion set in. I sighed and took in the comfort I still felt in this room. I instantly relaxed and started my way over to the bathroom. In the mirror, my hair looked a little out of place but other than that I looked surprisingly fine. A lot better than I was expecting at least.

I took off the heeled boots and set them outside the door. I shrugged off my sweater and skirt and peeled off the tight, black hose I had been wearing. I removed my bra and panties and started the shower.

I got in and instantly felt my tension relieve. I hadn't noticed how tense I was until the hot water cascaded down my body, almost washing away the tightness in my muscles. I sighed contently and washed myself off.

Soon I got out of the shower and dried off. I shivered as I felt a chill run through me and I made my way to the closet.

I put on some flannel pajama pants and a black tank top. I let my damp hair flow down my back instead of putting it in a ponytail. Leaving the closet, I fell into my king-size bed and looked up. The four-poster bed held satin drapes colored in silver to flow down above me. I pulled the duvet over me and relaxed in my bed.

That comfort only lasted a second.

I tossed and turned for probably a good hour. Fluffed my pillow, grabbed another one, fluffed that one. Finally, I found myself lying on my back, fully awake, and staring up at the ceiling.

My body was fatigued, but my mind was restless. I finally groaned and sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, and stood. I went over to the closet and looked for a robe. I grabbed the first one I could find. It was a dark red, silk robe that swept the floor when I put it on. It almost looked like a cloak. But I could care less about what it looked like as I shrugged it on.

I walked out of my room and tried to be as quiet as possible as I made my way down the hall on my bare feet. Winter had been starting to settle in Romania and somehow this expensive castle hadn't paid very much to start up the heating early.

I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to stay warm. To no success, I shivered and hurried down the next hall. I stopped suddenly, staring at the double doors that now faced me. I swallowed hard and knocked gently.

I contemplated leaving as doubts filled my mind in the few seconds I spent waiting for someone to answer the door. I sighed and was about to leave when Alec opened one of the doors. I stared up at him as he towered above me and tried to keep my gaze away from his perfect, bare torso.

"Raven?" He said in a low, sleepy voice. I sucked in a breath and stared up at his confused, and tired expression. His hair seemed a little jostled from his sleep but still looked seemingly perfect to me.

"I can't sleep," I murmured sheepishly. He nodded and kindly opened the door wider for me to come in.

"I'm sorry for waking you this late. I didn't know where else to go," I apologized as I entered the room and he closed the door. His room felt desirably warmer than the rest of the palace. Probably because he had his fireplace lit on the other side of the room.

"Is everything alright?" He questioned as I sat on the cushioned, Victorian bench in front of the fireplace.

"I just..." I trailed off and ran a hand through my hair. He sat beside me. I looked up at him and sighed.

"Why did you let me go back?" I asked seriously, looking in his eyes as the flames from the fireplace reflected in them. He was watching the fire as he looked deep in thought. Silence fell over us until he finally spoke,

"I let you go back because I wanted this life to be your choice.  I never wanted to force this all upon you. I care for you," Alec answered, his voice thorough and passionate. I looked down at my hands, then peered back to him.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked in a frail voice. I felt embarrassed to ask.  Alec seemed to study my expression for a while before answering.

"Because... you're the most precious thing that has ever come into this kingdom. You're so mortal and delicate. Caring for you is something I'll always do." His response made me thankful the only light there was in the room was the light emitted from the fireplace. I could feel my cheeks heat up when he said this.

"That's why you haven't turned me yet...?" I murmured and he nodded. I felt so guilty for not hearing him out. I was so hurt by realizing he'd kept that from me that I didn't even let him speak. I felt ashamed of myself.

"I don't ever want to hurt you, Raven. I'll never do anything that you don't want me to," Alec reached out hesitantly and rubbed his thumb against my cheek. I gasped softly at the cold touch of his hand against my hot skin. I leaned into his palm and embraced the cool feeling until he too felt warm.

I came closer and laid my head gently on Alec's bare shoulder. He wrapped his other arm around my waist and held me close to him. I relaxed against his chest and felt the sleep I had longed for all night consume me as I fell asleep in his arms.


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