♱ Chapter 6 ♱

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I can tell you guys don't like Alec's P•O•V too much so RAVEN'S P•O•V WILL BE THE BASE FROM THIS CHAPTER ON!! Alec's P•O•V will be featured sometimes but not often. Just wanted to let you guys know.

Raven's P•O•V

I awoke but my eyes stayed closed as I took in a deep breath, stretching out my stiff arms. I felt tense and my head throbbed, almost like I was hungover or something. I couldn't quite explain it...

Then it hit me.

I shot up into a sitting position and whirled around, looking this way and that to take in my surroundings, only proceeding to make my pounding headache ten times worse. Light streamed in from the window, illuminating the room I was in with pure sunlight. Although it looked beautiful, the glare hurt my eyes.

The dizziness caused by the pulsing ache going on in my head had subsided, yet I could feel it still remain. Looking around, I could see that the room was quite beautiful. One that was fit for a royal I would say. Dressed in reds, golds, and blacks. The bed I was in was massive. Much bigger than my twin-sized bed. Elegant furniture made of dark wood and Victorian-like design was placed about the room. The bed instantly made me think about how it would have never fit in my small row house apartment in Queens.

My heart sped up as I thought of where I must have been. I looked down at myself and recognized the outfit I had on was still the one I had had on the night before. Same leather jacket over a green v-neck that tucked into my high-waisted, black skirt. My shoes were gone, leaving me barefoot. But of course, missing my shoes was the least of my worries right now.

I was instantly out of bed and staggered a couple of steps back, looking around the room with a sense of dread.

Where was I? Where had I gone last night? What happened?

Then the memories came back like a storm. My battered brain started to overload with sporadic flashbacks, and then suddenly, they all pieced together. The memory of the man from the coffee shop, looking at me with those eyes ... Those bright, luminescent red eyes. The eyes of something you'd see in a nightmare; a fairy tale or some kind of folklore ... a myth. His words seemed to ring in my ears like a distant recognition.

"I don't want to do this to you love..."

I felt my chest tighten in disbelief as I recalled the way his hand brushed my cheek. A shiver ran down my spine as I could almost feel that recollection. My hand held my cheek, holding where his cold fingers had touched. I felt my heart beating against my rib cage, wanting out. Wanting out now. I needed to get out of here.

I looked around the room and went to the first set of doors I saw. I opened them swiftly and was faced with an unexpected sight.

Before me was possibly a room bigger than my apartment living room. Racks of clothes and floor-length dresses, shelves from floor to ceiling of heels, a makeup desk with bright lights encasing the mirror. Some drawers were placed around the room.

And there it was...

Low and behold, in the center of the immense walk-in closet, was a small crown. Almost more like a tiara. Yet, it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Diamonds dazzled as they laid intertwined with the twirled silver, making a petite, but elegant, tiara fit for a royal.

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