♱Chapter 18♱

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Raven's P•O•V

Although Alec had been showing me his abilities as well as taking me around the castle grounds, he didn't seem phased whatsoever. I on the other hand was trying to keep myself on my aching feet. We must've spent the whole day hiking around the acres and acres of land they owned. Once it got dark we finally decided to head back for the night.

I walked down the halls with Alec, the chandeliers were shining as the windows let in the darkness of night. I felt relieved to be back indoors and I was ready for a hot shower to relax my aching muscles. Clearly I was out of shape.

We approached the fork in the hall where Alec's room was straight ahead and my room was to the right. We stopped and Alec turned to me.

"Thank you Alec." I said with an appreciative smile. He smiled back and nodded, accepting the gratitude. He turned to leave but I felt something come over me.

"Alec," I held his wrist. He turned back to me and I hesitated.

"I'm sorry for being so selfish. I never knew how hard it must be for you. I've had no right to be like this." I apologized, feeling the guilt of my own self-absorption weighing down on me. He gave a crooked smile.

"You had every right. You didn't know, and I understand. You needed the chance to go back and decide for yourself. I never wanted to force you into this life without closure of your past one." Alec told, his words kind and understanding. I looked up at him and studied his eyes, not knowing how he could forgive me.

"I made you fly eight hours just to turn around and fly another eight back." I testified, trying to convince him he had no reason to forgive me although he was.

"Raven," Alec sighed and reached out to softly brush his hand against my cheek, "I don't think either of us would have ever been content if we stayed here. You needed to know you had a choice, and I needed to be at ease knowing you made the decision."

I leaned into his hand and sighed.

"Thank you for understanding." I thanked him. "I've just been so frustrated at how selfish I've become, I just wanted to apologize." I said honestly. Alec smiled at me in reply. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek softly. I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

"Get some rest, Raven. You have nothing to fret about." He spoke gently. I nodded and gave a soft smile.

"Goodnight Alec." I departed from him.

"Goodnight Raven." He said in reply and left. I turned and started down my hall.

As I approached my room, I noticed a small stream of light emitting from the opening between my door and the frame. I furrowed my brow and walked up to my door. I slowly pushed the door open and saw nothing, or no one, there. The room was empty.

I walked in and felt a shiver run down my spine. Something wasn't right.

The door shut behind me. I gasped and shot around to see DeMalo standing there, leaning against my door with his arms crossed against his chest. I swallowed hard and watched him.

"It's such a mortal thing, don't you think?" DeMalo questioned, looking around my room nonchalantly. I didn't say anything in reply, all I could feel were the nerves prickling at my skin.

"You all fall so fast. Even when you know you shouldn't. But being naïve must come easily to you humans." He scoffed and seemed interested in observing my room, yet he kept communicating with me.

"Trust me Sweetheart," I mentally cringed when he called me that, "don't be fooled by Alec's humanity. The second daddy gives the order to turn you, Alec will turn you without a second thought." The way DeMalo said his father's name made me realize the amount of dislike he had for him.

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